finally a real update...

Aug 24, 2004 10:56

so the last time i updated i was at warped tour... that was like last thursday. god i've been slacking. but only not... work is totally kicking my ass.

so here's the run down of events...

last wednesday (we're going back almost a week... this is gonna be long) i worked from 9-2. and what do you know i just get my speedometer fixed and it goes out on my way to work and i have no speedometer all day. this would've been fine except i needed to go to new hampshire to see my lovely twin because warped was the next day. so i'm stranded without a car yet again because the guys at the shop couldn't get the part until thursday morning.. what do u know the day of warped. so my aunt who is so incredibly awesome lends me her car for warped. so i get along on my way and drive to nh to see twin. so i get there and reunite with my twin and talk to her. i missed her so much. then we nearly died cuz getting like 3 hours sleep before warped is a killer.

thursday: twin and i wake up at 8 and get ready for warped. we leave and then get there. get our tickets and go inside. :) i remembered as soon as we got there why i originally did NOT want to go this year. it's like teenie bopper central and the scenster's paradise. ugh... :-/ it totally ruined the day. like to the maxx ruined. it seemed like EVERYONE there was under the age of 18 and was all like oooo new found glory and yellowcard. ugh.. i hate it. so twin and i decided who we wanted to see and that made me happy. :)
we saw:
part of story of the year
all of allister (reliving memories)
all of anti-flag
part of rufio
most of sugarcult (finally i saw them)
all of matchbook romance
all of letter kills (i <3 them)
all of taking back sunday
all of ambry
part of new found glory
i missed fall out boy :'(
part of the casualties (from afar)

the bands we alright. but as we all know warped tour isn't exactly the best place to showcase your band because you have like a 20-30 minute set and the sound quality is pretty shitty. :'( oh well. i did finally get to see sugarcult which totally made me happy i guess with them the 8th time being at the same festival as them worked for seeing them. but other than that it wasn't the greatest show that i'd ever been to. i honestly didn't really want to go the next day.

friday: i woke up and got ready to go then i left twin's house and let her sleep cuz she was tired. i drove my butt down to warped and parked and then got my ticket. went in and got my texts about who was playing. and i found out my chem and finch were playing right after each other which made me happy because those were the two bands that i really wanted to see. so that's what i did... i saw the my chem set and then watched finch. and then here's the funny part... i left. i walked out and left. i was soooo disgusted with what i saw during my chem that i couldn't even fully enjoy finch and then i just left.

ok... the my chem set was the worst set i have ever seen them play... ever. in the ten times i've seen them it was terrible. ugh... i can't even begin to go into everything that was wrong with it... the fill in drummer couldn't keep a steady tempo, mikey's bass was turned up way too loud cuz he's second in command for timing and since the drummer can't keep time it was up to mikey. mikey and gerard played stone cold sober. mikey didn't move at all and kept his eyes glued to his bass. there were 75840265429754932 teenie boppers there screaming "i love you i love you". *sigh* and then there was the fact that gerard pretty much pissed me off beyond belief. for anyone that has ever seen my chemical romance multiple times you know that before they play our lady of sorrows gerard says his lil schpeal about the song being about friendship and family and how the guys that he's on stage with are his family and he loves them. well... he's said this 9y31875903752 times before and that was with matt... and here he says this infront of everyone and matt isn't there. well i'm not saying it's gerard's fault or that he's at fault for making matt leave but wtf. he's said this before and matt was onstage. i never knew that family was so easily replaced. :'( i guess it just makes me a lil sad that they still feel comfortable saying that when one of their family members isn't around anymore. i hope in all complete seriousness that brian (mcr's manager) leaves or gets the boot or something because he's a terrible manager. i was just so disgusted with the mcr set that i wanted to leave. and i was pissed off in general.

here's why i was so incredibly pissed off.
so i'm standing there watching mcr and obviously singing along because i know the words and i love them. and there are these 2 girls standing next to me and they keep turning around and looking at me. now i'll admit right now that i dont exactly look like i belong at a mcr show but whatever i love them and i know it so that's all that matters. but whatever... this girl apparently was like *rawr* about someone that looks like me being there for the mcr set. *rolls eyes* so i'm standing there and between prison and i'm not okay she turns around and gives me another look. so i get pissed and ask her if she has a problem. she comes out with this and i quote "i'm sick of stupid ass girls like you coming to the my chem shows all the time and ruining it for everyone. you know why dont you just stop coming because we all know you're only here because you think frankie is hott or something." so i get quite pissed because i'm like whoa way to judge people. so i come back out with this, "so you're sick of people like me coming to shows all the time? well i think you better get used to it because i'll keep coming too. and i never knew that a person couldn't come and enjoy the music because they like it. i dont know what the fuck your problem is but i can tell you that you giving someone dirty looks because they're singing along is bullshit. i was like you know you're what's wrong with this scene. bitchy people like you kill the scene because you can't except that people that don't look exactly like you are here." she was like "whatever... people like you ruin everything." so i come out with ... "okay i ruin everything but you act like you own the fucking band. how many times have you actually seen mcr by the way" she comes out with "this is my first time but girls like you are at all the shows i go to"... so i kinda laugh and say just to be a bitch... "well, this makes time 10 for me in seeing my chemical romance so i think you need to back the fuck off." so she turned back around and rolled her eyes. whatever fuck off douche bag. then the guy standing behind me realized that the tattoo on my shoulder was a my chem lyric and was like that's awesome... you must really like their music to do that. i was like it's amazing how some people can be so bitchy and others can be so cool.

i mean i'm not perfect and i do get pissy when there are whole bunch of lil teenie boppers around but i dont give them dirty looks or anything because whatever. if they're there for the music then it's all good... i just get upset when they come in and have on no clothes and are screaming out omg you're soooooo hott. that's when i start to get upset. but whatever. i never claimed to be president of the scene. but whatever...

warped tour sucked pretty much. there were a few highlights though. but i dont think i'll go back for warped next year. in the words of twin "the only way i'll go next year is if it's the holy fucking grail of lineups" agreed twin.

but oh well... other than that not a whole lot has been going on. work owns my ass pretty much. the bank fucked up my account so i'm gonna go straighten them out. :) put my foot down. haha...

oh well...

holly anne has gone away to school. :'( i miss her and once again i feel like such a loser. *le sigh* oh well.. i'll figure something out.

i'm gonna go get ready to go get my butt to work and figure out when i get my raise and all. it better be soon and it better be a damn good raise. i've been waiting a fucking year already. :-/ but i'm off...

leave lj love...xoxo
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