hello... it's me again ;)

Aug 16, 2004 20:05

i hope everyone is doing well and all...

so the past few days have been hectic. i've been running around like a mad woman. and i've been working my lil buns off at the place of employment. haha... so here's the scoop.

so work has been hectic. i've been put into working two different departments now. i'm in windows and bedding now. but it isn't a bad thing. i picked up more hours that way and it's actually lots of fun. even though i'm 5784097528475 times more confused but hey that's ok i'm always confused anyways. so it's not really that different. but oh well. they let me use the power drill at work on sunday. woo hoo!!! i was soooooo happy. they usually dont let me cuz they're afraid i'll hurt myself or someone else. hahaha... as if i would do that (i accidently drilled my finger twice) but it was cool i got a lot of our changes done for the lead and she was happy i got that all done for her. so this makes me happy. things are kinda hectic with manager changes and all but that's stuff you can't change. so i'm used to it. we've had so many managers come and go that it's almost a monthly thing now. oh well...

so this is gonna be crazy... on wednesday after work i'm leaving to go see my wonderful twin in bedford, nh. yay... i haven't seen her since april and i'm totally excited because i love her so and we've both been kinda ehhh lately so we're gonna do a lil pick me up and take a trip over to warped tour and see some good bands and have a good time. :) so i'm happy about that.

holly anne leaves on sunday. :'( idk if i'm gonna see her either. *cries* this makes me rather upset. i hate not have having a car in the past few weeks. i totally would've spent my life in mass. with her if i could've and now work is evil and i'm working until wednesday afternoon and then i have to drive to nh. :-/ i will hopefully pop in though. even just seeing her for five minutes might be better than waiting to see her at the end of october. hermmm... *sigh* why does she have to leave anyways? who does that? ;) (j/k holly anne) i really dont want her to leave because that's like taking away a HUGE part of who i am and my life... evil bastards. :-/ but i'm gonna miss her like whoa. :'( i'll call her all the time though.

so the car will be ready and registered tomorrow. *phew* idk... i'm just happy that i'll finally have the car and i will be able to drive it and all. that's such a huge relief. but that's the story with that. i won't kill you all with all the drama behind it all anymore. i have it and i can drive it and that's the end.

so there has been a few things floating around in my head. i dont really know what to do about it. but i talked to my celiny poo and i think she's given me the best advice so far. *thank you celina i love you soooo much for that* but yea... i dont really want to go into details about all that but it deals with boys. and i think that's all anyone needs to know. if you wanna know details and i can divulge them to you i will. oh well... that's that.

i'm tired... i worked all day and tomorrow i get the joyous privelege to wake up early and get my butt to the dmv (haha... at first i wrote dmb... haha i love dave matthews... sorry) so i can register my car. :) woo hoo. *does happy dance while rolling eyes* i should probably go pull up directions to twin's house and to warped tour. haha...

well i'm off i guess. later everyone.


**is anyone out there going to warped tour??? if so what days??**
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