Oct 19, 2004 17:55
wow so i played my flute today and i almost broke down crying..it was so emotional - not having played in so long, remembering what it's like to make music and to do something that has always brought genuine joy...i've decided to pay my old teacher to play duets with me once a week after my brother's private lessons...so i can never forget and never stop playing til my lungs collapse or my fingers become athritic, whichever happens first.
some serious advice for people who are musically talented and who have played one or more instruments their whole lives: NEVER STOP PLAYING. even if it's just once a week or a few times a month, play your instrument and cherish your rare abilities and the gift of music. i'm dead serious, its cheesy as hell, but especially now that most of you are in college and u dont have to take music and are all stressed out and are defffff moving too fast, a little music will do you good. if anything it'll help you remember. whatever it is you used to do and LOVE but stopped doing because of college ... START IT UP AGAIN !