Ode to the best and worst summer of my life (Thus Far)

Aug 30, 2005 17:58

The winds of change came in on an airplane
A certin boy steped out and directly into my life
Physical love? Yes
Emotionally secure? Yes
Freedom to go out with those I call friends depression free

Started out with symobls of awesomeness
Dice, Clubs, Men or rather boys
Everyone getting along so well
Gloves fit flawlessly on the hands of friendship

Somehow romors were slowls passed
A vitious petition votes one out
Deviding friends appart
One in defence and one with intent of complete distruction

It took a small mess to unleash utter chaos
Rude notes spell out desaster
A yell and an appology and i am cut off compleatly
With out sound reason im cast aside like some criminl

Blunt obviousness of silence caused me to turn my head
New friends found in unlikley places
Knowing who you can trust in life is a golden key
Through this I now know who holds those keys

Becoming closer to people in my past
And reaching out to new ones

When you feel as though you have nothing
You truly appreciate the things that you do have
Being closer now to those I had forgotten
Realising the true loves in my life

Its beautiful
This bitter sweet summer
I am sadned by my losses
But more hopeful now than ever


So yeah.. thats a little poem

I started my classes today... all were super rad
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