Oct 16, 2004 19:10
Me and chelsey hung out and stuff and had a nice conversation and hung out with the family for the morning it was nice. I went home and took a shower and stuff cuz me and chelsey were going to the mall. Then Jordan showed up at chelseys so we brought him along to. We found Jessica there that was cool. We played alot of DDR and went to hot topic. We walked each other around the mall in her straight jaket it was funny. Ok so me and Jordan went out to smoke and we were with Victoria and some other kid. It was fun, I fell alseep at the mall a few times to. Well we found out Chelsey's mom has been trying to get a hold of us for 45 minutes but Chelsey's phone was being stupid so when we got in the car her mom was yelling about it and she needed to buy new glasses for chelsey since she broke hers. Yea so chelsey and her mom were fighting and stuff the whole way back so i had them drop them off at my house. And this really sucks I have to write an essay due monday and I haven't started it yet and I need to finish my math homework. It totally sucks! I'm just gonna do it all day tomarrow.