Entry #718- I was born to be alive

Sep 22, 2005 18:25

Well... first day of work was interesting, to say the least. It's like crew only with less joking and more seriousness... less power drills and wood, more balloons and cheesy decorations. I met three people today and the only way I will ever remember their names is if I write them down... so they are: Julie, Mitchell (the only boy who works there... *headdesk*, although he is really nice), and Kelly. Julie seems to be the person who has been there the longest, so it's sort of interesting. I did mostly stocking shelves and moving things and such. It was meh. Good news: No real dress code, no uniform. I can show up in my normal jeans and a t-shirt attire and be perfectly fine, because I don't have to have a Party America shirt. I just have to wear my name tag and an apron and I'm fine. So it is awesome in that respect.

School was good today. Duct tape day was fun, I thought... there were lots of really kick ass duct tape outfits that were generally really amazing. So that was good. English was fun, although Nick does not leave me alone... ever. Even if I wanted to work, he'd still be bugging me every five minutes. And when he's not bugging me verbally, he's smacking my hair... I swear, I should've never started talking to him again. Ugh. Astronomy was a lot of presentations full of information that went quite literally in one ear and out the other. I think. I'd have to refresh my memory some. Lunch was weird without Jillian, but oh well. Spanish was even worse without Jillian, I was all sad by myself in my corner. But then Meghan and I were talking to Vits after class about the AP test and such and it was good. Newspaper was kind of crappy, but that's another rant for another time. Mostly, I just want to get my pages done... because we had to delay the publication date (surprise, surprise). It kind of made me sad that we started out not making deadlines again. Bah. We'll see.

And that's my day up to this point. Now I get to rush off to pointe and ballet and make my feet hurt and such. But the good side of all of this is I don't have any homework, and I essentially made $17.50 today. Not bad, although I have no clue when I get paid. Obviously not any time too soon.

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