
Sep 18, 2008 19:03

What a SHITTY week this is.

I went to the doctor on Wednesday, because I've been having lots of really bad migraines that are weird.  I'm going to have an MRI next Thursday, sorta related to the migraines.. My family has a history of bad migraines AND aneurisms on both sides, and I just got pretty spooked by how bad the one last Thursday, and then again this Monday, was.  My doctor and I had discussed this before, and decided we'd go this route if my migraines got worse or changed, so we're gonna do it just in case.

Then my mom calls me yesterday afternoon to tell me my grandmother had a stroke and is in the hospital.  I had class last night, so I didn't get a chance to go over and see her, unfortunately.  They've done a CAT scan on her, but apparently are having problems assessing the damage as well as her risk of having another soon.  She's still in the hospital right now.

Then my dad started passing blood in his bowels this morning, (first dark, then bright) then his blood pressure dropped REALLY low ( as in 81/71 low, when his is usually 133/79).  He's been admitted into the hospital as well; they planning on doing a CAT scan and a colonoscopy, and said they THINK at this point it might be diverticulitis.  I don't know... I'm no doctor, but I googled diverticulitis, and it doesn't seem to match.  They said he'll be there until Monday at the earliest..  They also listed an ulcer, and cancer, as possibilities as well.

Right after that happened (when my dad went to the ER), I was at the apple orchard during work with my client, and stepped in a hole and sprained my ankle.  Man, it hurt like a bitch, and pissed me off, too.  I don't WANT to be thinking about myself right now, goddamnit.  So, I got my boss to let me wait until later this afternoon to get it checked, so I could go see my dad.  But it was burning like a bastard by the time I did go.  They called it a second degree sprain (I've never heard that classification before), and I've got crutches and an air cast.  I AM going to work tomorrow, because we're having a lawn sale so I get to sit around all day.  But the doctor said it could take up to 3 weeks to heal.  UGH, I hope not!   I hate the crutches, and I'm not very good at sitting still.  AND IT SUCKS, because I can't just get up and go take off to see how my dad is doing, it's got to be this big rigamarole, and we live on the second floor of the house so it's a bitch to navigate the stairs with crutches, and I'm not supposed to be on my feet for more than ten minutes of every hour or whatever.  And I still haven't gone to see my memere.  I'm so frustrated!  At least all three bad things happened at once, so no waiting for the other shoe to drop.  No going to the gym with Reese tonight.. No going in the corn maze on Saturday either.  This weekend is going to suck.
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