First day of work = over. My feet are very tired- too much standing. Otherwise, it was a whole lotta nothin'. Reading, mostly. And I get an hour for lunch, plus a 15 minute break. Plus 100 dollars a month in Metro money. Not a bad deal, all things considered.
I have the words "MEET WITH ADVISOR" permanently posted to the bottom of my computer screen. We'll see if that has any effect whatsoever. For my money I doubt it.
Speaking of procrastination, has a fabulous article in defense thereof. There's also a good one defending monolingualism. Both essays are really short and funny. They're by John Perry, philosopher extraordinaire at Stanford.
The kids from LA who stayed with us this weekend were really cool. Fair Traders always are.
I got a postcard for free the other day which I intend to send to my brother. It shows a bunch of baskets filled with bread. "Wish you were here." He'll enjoy it.
EDIT: I just noticed that the guy who stayed with us this weekend left me a beer as a little thank you gift. That's awesome.