its been a while

Feb 24, 2006 23:39

well.. i decided to update since.. its been i don't know how long.. its just that nothing really exciting has happened too lately.... school has been the same... its been long... only highlight about school really is that I got an A on both my first math and sociology tests.... took the chem test today... scared of my results... went to dad's office for "work". Got there around 3pm, stayed till 8:45pm. Nikki called to hang out, but I couldn't + I was really tired... as I am now hahah. No one is really online.... well, I'm not even on AIM right now... but I will be in a couple minutes hahha. I made a couple new friends in my classes... so thats always a plus. Winter olympics are almost done in Torino, I got an urge to buy an ipod, so I'm thinkin about going to Best Buy tomorrow. Swimming champs are this weekend, but I'm not going cause its far in El Monte and I'd have to wake up early for that. Reading sociology text book for homework, listening to Japanese music (Amadori), brushed my teeth, washed my face, ate dinner a couple hours ago. It's been kinda cold recently, even actually snowed up in the mountains hahah. I don't know what else to write.... so laters peeps

is it just me.. or does this picture kinda look scary..?

You have Elvin blood: The blood in your veins is

that of the elves. The most noble of all

bloods. The Elves are very honest and wise,

and you share that aspect with them. You are

a very fun and kind person and anyone who

meets you immediately feels safe when youre

around. You are a great person and an even

better friend. Dont ever change for anyone.

What ancient bloodline do you have?
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