Hurray for Saturday!!

Jan 15, 2006 23:14

Saturday was such a good day... after work that is hahhaa. Work was boring... getting lectured from my dad wasn't exactly the highlight of my day hahhaha. Well, after I dropped my dad off at a family friend's house, I went home, rested a little, then called Ryuto cause we were supposed to hang out this weekend at westwood. I called him, and he said that he was already there, so I called Nikki if she wanted to go, and she said she would, but she couldn't eat anything because she was getting over food poisoning from Del Taco. I finally met up with Ryuto and his friend around 8pm, and I got a craving for Pizooki's so we went to BJ's, and put my name down for 9 people, and the lady said the wait would be like 45 minutes to an hour, but we just hung around there. We chilled with his friends and the guys started playing the slapping game that me and Nikki are addicted to, so we joined in hahaha. It went around once, but then their hands started hurting from slapping so hard that they had to stop hahaha. Too bad me and Nikki go on for like 2 hours even if our hands start bleeding a little hahha. We finally got in, and those Pizooki's were SOOO GOOD!!! Ryuto ordered white chocolate one, and Nikki's like "omg!! you like white chocolate!?" and I ordered my own, even though me and Ryuto were supposed to share, but he was kinda awkardly accross, so I got my own, but shared with the people around me cause I couldn't eat it on my own hahah. And besdies, Ryuto hates milk chocolate hahaha. Nikki ate some of both, even though it was bad for her and making her sick. After my pizooki, my fries came, and they were SOOO GOOD!! hhahaha. I started getting full about half way through, and the guys were making little people from it, and during the whole dinner, they were doing something funny (spit balls mostly). After BJ's, we went to a hooka place and me and Nikki chilled there with them for like an hour. They bought bubbles and everything hahahha. It was really cool cause they were breathing into the bubbles... it was awesome hahah. Me and Nikki left around 11:55pm (everyone else was still there), and got her home around 12:04am hahhaha. I then got my ass home, and went to sleep on the couch at 2am ish. Saturday was a GREAT day, I don't remember the last time I had so much fun and laughed so much ^_^

if the picture doesn't come out, its supposed to be her ^

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