Dec 05, 2007 17:14
and once again, I haven't accomplished anything this year. Unless you count obtaining a Costco membership and a dependence on alcohol.
I really need to stop being so apathetic and get my ass in gear. Grad schools aren't going to just invite me in, soooo I really need to start this application process if I ever want to be something other than a pauper.
Also, I need to not fail my finals. It still hasn't hit me that I'm going to be earning at least 2 C's this semester. I might not get a single A. Why was I such a fuck-up this semester?? It's not like the material is hard, I simply haven't been applying myself. The few times I showed up to bio-chem with more than 20 minutes to spare, I absorbed nothing. The same goes for genetics. Who knew doodles and Bejeweled would be the downfall of my GPA?? Or maybe it's finally getting to the point where I can't mentally check out of every class and glance over the power points before the test and get one of the highest scores. I've never really been challenged before, but now that I might be, I don't know what to do. I mean, I have a solid 21 years of laziness behind me. It's all I know. But I also know I can't coast through my entire life. I've been really lucky until now.
The more I dwell on it, the more I suspect that never being challenged has greatly contributed to my laziness. Throw in a shot of depression and garnish with a twisted determination to self destruct and you've got a cocktail that would keep a lot of people in bed all day. Again with the alcohol... I had 3 malt beverages on Monday... 1 in the morning between classes and 2 at bedtime. I don't know why all of the sudden I want it all of the time. Bah.
I'm fucking starving. My stomach is bipolar. It's either grumbling no matter how much I eat, or I go days barely eating. Just reach a happy medium, Pouchito. At least I'm not gaining all the weight I lost back... oof.
Wow, I just noticed that this auto-saves every few seconds... Where was this feature when I would write 3-5 page entries and lose them and subsequently lose my mind a little bit??!?!?!
I normally don't do the whole "resolution" thing, but I think next year I need to start standing up for myself and demanding the respect and adoration that I deserve. Okay...adoration may be a bit much, but throw me a freaking bone. And when I say adoration, I don't mean adoration for my body parts ::blech:: Also, I need to stop frivolously spending my time, energy, and sanity on fruitless pursuits, or doing what I want to do when I know it contradicts with what I need to do.
and now, I eat.