.: wasted away again :.

Mar 22, 2004 13:16

If I hear one more hip-hop song I am going to scream. I got my fair dose of it during spring break at all the trendy little clubs with the half naked skinny girls dancing to them. Luckily enough, we had decent taste and put on RHCP while we were in our room.

Spring break was fun. I'll only divulge the details of my most drunk night...

Night Two:

8:15 p.m.: Got to the bar for free beer, drank the free beer until 9.

9:01 p.m.: Started paying for drinks.

12:30 a.m.: Stumbled home...and

Security Guard: Excuse me miss, you don't belong here.

Me: Yesh I does, thish is my room key.

SG: You have to have a wristband to be staying in this hotel.

Me: The Fronsht Desh didn't give me a wrishban.

SG: Let me see your room key. :::looks::: Miss, this isn't your hotel.

Good new though, I was just right next door to my hotel. The security guard (who had a mullet and no teeth) walked me home.

It felt so good to sleep in my own bed. We got home from Florida at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday and I immediately started unpacking; if I didn't start then I would never have done it. Around 4 and after some good old Taco Cabana (they didn't have those in Florida) I crashed.

I woke up at 10 to do more laundry and keep on with the unpacking. Miguel came over around 1 and we soon both decided that we were more than tired, so we laid down for a quick nap. That quick nap lasted from 2 to 8. I woke up just in time to watch the Sopranos, eat spaghetti and go back to sleep. We slept all night. I'm still pretty tired, but yeah, a 14-hour drive will do just that to you, wear you the hell out.

Miguel claims he was tired because he was waiting for a call from me when I got home, I didn't want to wake him and call him though, so he was up until around 4 when he finally called me to make sure I was alive. He wasn't happy about the 2 extra hours I made him wait, but he seemed relieved to know I was alive.

On a pretty cool note, I have decided to make this relationship with Miguel a real relationship. No more of this sometimes girlfriend nonsense, I'm going to go all out and am going to be a real girlfriend.

I mean, why shouldn't I? I love being with him, he really does treat me well for the most part, and I'm happy when we are together, it would be silly for me to walk away from this without giving it a real shot.

Last night he apologized for basically coming over to hang out just to sleep, but I told him that I didn't care. I honestly didn't. I slept so much better just sleeping next to him, his mere presence made me at ease. I didn't tell him that though. Then he told me "but I sleep so good when I'm here, and I've missed you, and I love being here with you, whether we are asleep or awake." Glad to know he and I are on the same page.
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