Jan 28, 2015 20:58
I can't purchase the JSK and petticoat I'd like to from EGL because the Canadian dollar is terrible. Everything in USD would cost 25% more in CAD because the value of our dollar is the lowest it's been in decades. There are other great options for purchasing lolita or loliable items locally. The only thing I would have to buy online would be my skirt/JSK/OP. The main piece of my coord. I don't have the money to bust on this. I mean, I technically do, but I'm saving to move out with my partner in a year and a half, so I don't want to spend too much of my money at once. Bah. If I must bust on my main piece, I'll do it, but I don't want to blow so much money on something used. I'd rather spend the cash and get something new. I'm going to browse Bodyline this evening. Hopefully I'll find something nice!