The worst weekend ever.

Dec 19, 2005 10:47

So me and matt hear about this person getting rid of their rotweilier. So we said we'd take it.
Matt picks it up this afternoon...everythings goin good.
He picks me up from work..the dogs panting a lot.
My aunt said you could give a dog valarian to calm a dog down...even vets say you can give a dog valarian.
So I went out and got some and mixed it with peanut butter.
chomps it down.
still panting.
I go upstairs...check my mail..etc etc.
I hear "what the fuck"...
I get up...look downstairs...
It falls on the ground.
I immediatly go into tears fearing for this dogs life of which I have no idea about...we havent even had it a few hours.
We were afraid of the dog so we hid upstairs mean while...Im feeling horrible that this dog is going thru this.
I dont know what to do...we dont have a fone...So I IM my friend alex k. and ask him to call the police.
Its doing better. My aunt and grandma came out to help.
The cops left. We put the dog outside. He will not come all...we tugged..and pulled.
Its clearly an aggressive growled at me a little before.....we tugged on it outside..and it stared us 'im going to attack your stupid white ass' stare
Matt...out of all people even got a little scared.
Scared for me more or less. We walked away and let it calm down before tryin to get back inside.
He stood between me and the dog and told me to hurry up and get inside.
Its a 140 lb fucking dog.
BIGGER than me. WAYYY bigger.
We threw lots of blankets down and food and water...he just does..not..want to come inside.
We were gonna risk it and keep it in the kitchen.
Im gonna go check on it in a little bit.
This whole night has just been miserable. And I feel so bad.
I cry when I think about what happened. I love animals so much and to see and animal go thru that..mean or not.
We're taking it to the SPCA tomorrow.
When we got was living in a beat up old ass the cold...the guy said its been in there for a year.
Maybe someone at the spca will find it a better home..I hope so.
I really do. This has totally torn me up.

so we called animal control on sunday...
he became aggressive..wouldnt let us near him...
but they wouldnt come get the dog.
so i called them this morning...
and matt told me to go wait somewhere other than the house because he didnt trust the dog.
but i go home anyways..and walk up to bear and ask how he's doing...
and he stands up...and looks at me...
and i dont feel the least bit threatened...
and i figured if animal control came and got him, they'd immediately put an aggressive dog down
And it tore me up..and I patted his head..and he nudge my hand
and I immediately started crying.
He's not a bad dog.
Its like he knew I was trying to help him..he knew.
So I tried to be the hero...
I untied his leash and attempted to walk him to the SPCA where I figured he'd be saved.
So Im walking to the SPCA beggin god to help me get him down there before the animal control spots me..
6 1/2 blocks..
I get him down there and Im so overcome with Joy that I saved him..and I walked into the SPCA and told them my story..and they said "you can sign him be put down..we dont take aggressive dogs.." and I told them he wasnt aggressive...just food aggressive..and they still woudlnt help me..
I dont see how they couldnt see the all seriousness in the tears streaming from my face as I pleeded with them.
So first and foremost...
FUCK THE SPCA...fuck them all.
I fugured there was nothing I could do.
She mentioned a Rotweiler rescue..and I asked if they'd come out right now..and she said I asked if he could stay there until they did and she said I just called animal control...they'll give him more of a chance than the SPCA..They atleast evaluate the dog for a few atleast he had a few more days to live if they didnt think he was suitable.
They said they were on their way.
I take Bear outside...he's being a wonderful dog.
Just smelling around.
I sat on that bench for a good 15 minutes laying on his back crying cause it wasnt fair...its...not...fair.
The animal control came and as I walked him to the back..I felt like we were walking down death row together.
It tore me up inside...They guy opened the door to the truck and Bear..with no hesitation jumped in. I told him he'd go play with other doggies.
I asked the guy..I said "honestly...does he have a chance at all"
And he all seriousness "I think so...he's not showing any aggression..he's a nice dog...most dogs just dont like their food taken away".
And I'd hope he wasnt lieing to me..I didnt feel like he was.
He could tell by the look in my eyes that this wasnt some joke to me. This was the hardest thing for me to do. He said "thank you becky...we'll try to help him as much as we tried to have a good rest of the day".
It might seem crying over it and all..."you only had the dog for 3 days"...but its more than that..I have this undieing respect for all animals..they cant speak their minds...he loves his life just as much as any of us do...and its not fair to put a dog down just cause he's food aggressive..who wants their food taken away?..its bullshit..
And Im still sitting here...distraught...hoping this big stupid dogs okay. It makes me cry like a little bitch. Its not fair. And its not fair that any animal get its life taken away for any stupid ass reason like that...they have feelings too. fuck.
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