Dec 21, 2005 15:25
Movie Schedule for Today: Finish the LOTR Trilogy. Enjoying the second one as I type this now. In a couple hours I shall enjoy the third and last! OMG! Legolas is the cutest elf! lolz! Gimli's makin me giggle! And Aragorn is being all Leaderish and I-wish-I-were-king-y! lolz! Then after these twoI might wath something else, but it'll prolly be late, these aren't short movies! But My next movie picks for this "Winter Holiday" Vacation are: FlashDance, The Passion, Bed of Roses, Minority Report, and those are only the ones that haven't been taken outta the plastic wrap yet! My other picks are: Dead Poets' Society, Sabrina, Return to Me, My Best Friends' Wedding, The Emporer's Club (Contrary to Dead Poets' Society), Mona Lisa Smile, Murd3r 8y, Num83rs, and whatever else I can find! I'm using my time off from school and work, to watch as many movies as I can! And I might go see on at the theatre! I'm gonna have to see if Meg can go with me!