Feb 12, 2008 15:36
So I was supposed to be teaching today... except I'm not. I woke up with a massive migraine and called my co-teacher to explain that my brain was about to explode but his phone wasn't working right then... out of range or something. I took some IB Profin and went back to bed for a few hours. When I got back up, I tried his phone again, left a message & texted him. Then I called my boss & no one was there. Now that's odd. So I checked the calender that all the Chicago Public Schools and the Park District are on & discovered that, SURPRISE!, it's a holiday. The park I work at is closed and there was no school today. I FINALLY got a hold of my co-teacher (I think I woke him up) and he said he'd call the kids... which I'm amazingly grateful for 'cause nothing beats making phone calls to make a migraine worse.
I'm starting to feel better. No longer like I'm going to puke from the pain... which helps in keeping down food which helps in alleviating the pain.