Stuff 'n' stuff

Mar 31, 2009 03:53

Earth Hours were spent in the tub in candle light then drumming & meditating in the temple room. A tumble of thoughts / questions about my life. Where is my focus? Why am I not writing consistently? What are my goals? How will I get there? Should I have tea or soda? Etc., etc.,etc... The moon is my metaphor. Ever changing but always the same. (Maybe I need a new metaphor.)

At Heathen Ink's Grand Opening, I received an energy reading concerning the bookstore side of the business. What was said was: five months & focus more inward by working on the things closest to me instead of putting so much energy into what is currently beyond my reach. There was more, but overall it confirmed a lot of things for me. Accurately scary... just the way I like it.peaking of moon, I'm having the menstruation equivalent of a Blue Moon... the second in a month. BLARGH!!!

Plus, with the weather being so manically emo, I've had a migraine since Saturday. It's been easing up, but I still feel like my brain might explode any minute & lying horizontally is not something I'm looking forward to.

My time off was approved & I'll be going to Elf Fest in May! I'm so excited!!! *happy Skull-a-Hoar dance!*

Monday, I did very little. I either need to (a) accept that my Mondays are slothful days or (b) Get off my ass & do things.

Tuesday, I will NOT be slothful! I have a plan for my room, now I just need to execute it.

Wednesday, after work I get to see the staged reading of csecooney 'csecooneys latest masterpiece! I REALLY hope things don't run late at the shelter so I can get there on time.

Thursday, after work I have a date. That's right folks, my self-imposed hiatus from dating is officially over. I'm no longer the Ice Queen & I asked someone I've been flirting chatting with out on a date... and he said YES. Scary Awesome, huh?

And now, I will attempt to sleep.

play, lothlorien, date, life, sleep, earth hour, migraine

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