Mar 26, 2008 03:51
Man this up coming year is going to be interesting. I dont know if im excited or not. I feel like im not doing enough with my life. i feel like most of the people im around right now are all doing such great things. For example, Stephanie, Daniels sister, just got all of her acceptance letters back for law school. She got in at NYU, Columbia, University of Virinia, ect.ect. lets just say anywhere she wanted to go. She hasnt heard back from harvard yet, but when it comes to law schools NYU is right up there with Harvard so shes pretty much expecting an acceptance. I guess it doesnt hurt that she got a perfect score on the LSATS. I just feel as if she has everything ahead of her, and im just going too slow. I still have to get all of my shit together to graduate, then i have to take the GRE, and its not working out as quickly as i'd hoped. Oh what a bummer all of this real world stuff is. I hate how no one prepares us for being grownups. I wish there was a manual. Oh well, there doesnt seem to be a manual for anything, not life, not love, not anythingk, theres isnt even a life for dummies.
On a funnier note, daniels trying to cleanse his body, he thinks that there are toxins poisening his body. So hes eating a ton of veggies and fruits, to do the job. I hope he has success.