Just had to post this 'cause it sums up Brubaker's storyline as well. For Steve, it's all about Bucky Bear. <3
I spent a Tuesday night reading The Death of Captain America: Complete Collection now that this edition finally came out, and once again I have completely lost the ability to can. It's so very awesome that I had to stop myself from licking the pages from time to time. ^^' And I'm not even that badly traumatized: the good thing about being so late for the party is to rest assured that no-one stays dead in the world of comics. (Jean Grey, if you read this, please please please stay dead.) I'm also very much convinced that at least some artists think about female readers just as much as the male ones: I like boobs as much as the next person, but Cap's ass in this run is a thing of beauty. :D
I still have mixed feelings about Red Skull as the main villain in this decade but at least he makes me laugh with the Doom-scale announcements like "I'm bigger than fascism". That is, right before he makes me wanna cry. Ungh.
I just have one question: why isn't Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson a THING?