Fics in the works

May 30, 2010 01:53


Just a little note to say that I've not vanished again just been vacationing and am now working on 2 stories that hopefully won't be much longer. I'm hoping to get one out tomorrow but that all depends on friends who are planning on popping by who knows when. The other might take a bit longer.

In the works I have (and I'm writing this here to give myself more of a reason to not simply abandon these fics):

Anoop/Adam for susysunflower which is very very late and I'm sorry for that bb!!!

The other, the one that's going to take slightly longer to come out, is Kradam (big surprise there) and is very very loosely based on the movie Tootsie (Sydney Pollack, 1982) but not entirely AU. It'll all make sense when the time comes.

There are also a few drabbles that I'm hoping to get going because I haven't written Cookleta in far too long and I miss them, and if I am going to keep lobbying for Adam/Neal Tiemann from other people (and just more Neal in general) I should probably try and write some myself :D

But yes, so not disappeared, just being slow!
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