Chauncey Billups is injured. There goes our shot at the NBA title. :(

May 08, 2008 14:44

DnD game is go. Unfortunately when Keith said that he'd like to DM, what he really meant was that he'd come up with the main storyline and I'd fill in all the particulars. I spend the majority of my night last night making up a 17-piece dungeon. I'm pretty proud of it. I gave it to Keith and evidently it was kinda what he had in mind but not exactly, and I'm kinda happy with that. Hopefully he'll make some changes to it but I gave him a good thing to work off of, that way when I play (yeah, I'm playing and evidently DMing too - lame, I know) I won't be entirely unsurprised.

I'm typing up a proposal for my next project in the lab. The proposal is technically unneccesary, but it really helps me organize my thoughts and get everything planned out. It also helps explain exactly what I want to do to Dr. Dunbar in the hopes that he throws more weight behind the idea. Right now he's just giving it a passive, "OK", all while pressing Progesterone on me. I fucking hate when he gets all wound up about ideas WITHOUT ACTUALLY LOOKING INTO THEM.

Dunbar talked with his former advisor (which is working on... wait for it... PROGESTERONE!) and now he wants me to test out progesterone on the HD cells. I asked him why.
Dunbar: "Because no one else has done it!"
Bart: "Do you have a hypothesis?"
Dunbar: "It might have an effect. Run your tests." (I'm not sure he entirely knows what I'm doing)
Bart: "Yeah, but do you have any reason to think that it might have an effect?"
Dunbar: "Well, it has antioxidative qualities and such."
Bart: "I've been disillusioned with many of these "antioxidative" treatments that are flying around now-a-days, but I'll dig into it and see if I can't find any biochemical pathways that cross."

I don't intend to spend much time on this shit at all. I've wasted too much of my time in the lab on harebrained ideas of his and I'm not going to walk right into this one. I have a good proposal I'm working on based soundly in previous research and I'm not going to walk blind into a project. If he wants it done, give it to someone else. [/rant]
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