May 06, 2008 14:40
Alright, first post since I've officially graduated. YAY! The graduation ceremony was about 2.25hrs long and almost entirely *reads name* *clap clap clap* rinse and repeat. In short, BORING. I do not recommend it to anyone who actually has a large graduating class or isn't guilt tripped into it by their parents. My Mom really wanted to see me walk so I did it. Or, perhaps, if you do walk, bring sudoku to do while you're waiting.
Other than that, my weekend was full of partying for Brian's birthday. We had a couple nights worth of parties and all-in-all it was pretty fun. Keith wants to start up a summer campaign with me and I'm kinda geeked (most appropriate usage of the word EVER) to get started with him.
I'm back in the lab. However, I'm doing it on my schedule and at my pace. This week I'm kinda being lazy and I'm sleeping in until whenever and then getting in about 4-5hrs in at the lab. Whatever, they're not paying me and I'm still getting shit done.
At the moment there are 5 people living in my apartment. This is a 66% increase from last week when there were only 3. Now we have Bart, Brian, Mark, Jaime, and Carrie (a bitch who is dating/taking advantage of Mark). So far we've been able to swing it fairly well. Carrie lives in Mark's room and Jaime lives in my room (this has been fine for me because I spend almost no time other than when I'm asleep in my room). We do sleep together, however we're still... complicated. Yeah, that facebook description seems to be made for us.
However, on the whole I think this is good for me. I'm learning how to be around a girl I like while not always being in 'romance mode'. I think one of the problems that I had previously was that whenever I was around someone I was dating I would always treat them differently, exactly like I was trying to romance them, not just be with them. I don't know if I can exactly find the right words to describe it, but I felt like I needed to attend to them more and in a romantic relationship kinda way rather than just be myself and hang out. I would have contentious discussions with others around said person but never with them, because whenever I talked to them I would immediately go into 'romance mode'. I'm not sure if I did this with Alice because she and I were friends for so long before we started dating, but I know I did this with Jaime, Liz, and Erin.
It will be interesting to see how this whole thing turns out. I do like the house being more inhabited though. I like having people around, even if it is that bitch who always takes advantage of Mark, insults him, and then acts all love-dovey. Also, she never cleans or washes her dishes. Fucker.
In other news, my computer has a Trojan on it. Brian taped a condom to it. No. Jaime was pressuring me to download a crack to Warcraft 3 so that we could play over battlenet and I went to a site that Brian recommended (he doubts this because he's never heard of a virus or anything from that website but I think it's very clear that I have a virus). I then downloaded a key-gen and low and behold *bam!* trojan. I turned my computer off and went to bed. I figured that'd be the best until Brian gets back (he's visiting his girlfriend's parents who can't deal with the fact that he's an atheist so his girlfriend lied and told them he was a presbyterian). GJ Brian's girlfriend, GJ.