I told you guys that I felt like it was time for another list. Well, here it is.

Apr 27, 2008 21:22

I like my lists.  They give me a way to look back at where I've been, where I am, and where I'm going.  Here's another one.

1st (August 2004):
-Hold 15-20 different jobs  ***5 down***
-Visit China for a month  ***this would still be cool***
-Go to Rome  ***not that interested anymore.  the pope is overrated****
-Live in the "arts" district
-Live in the "gay" district  ***I'm going to be living in the student's district at Pittsburgh***
-Join the US military  ***not going to voluntarily happen***
-Go on an eco-trip to the South at CMU  ***I don't care about shrimp, alligators, etc.***
-Study abroad in Germany  ***this would still be cool***
-Raise nuclear and radiation awareness (most fear of these things comes from ignorance)  ***actively working on it!  I still think that this is a good option for the US.  There are much worse things out there and a switch to nuclear power, even if it is only a temporary fix, could be a very good thing for the economy, national security, and the environment.  Yes Alice, the environment.***
-Study world religions  ***I'll study them like I study Tolkein***
-Become a priest or at least a monk (gonna be a tuffy)  ***ROFL.  Not going to happen***
-Camp in Maine for a week.  ***camped in the Keys for a week!  I always seem to forget how much I hate camping, just in time to try it again and realize that I HATE CAMPING***
-Go to a republican convention  ***barring a dramatic change in policies, this is probably not going to happen***
-Go to a democrat convention  ***more likely than the republican convention, but I'm still not all that happy with the democrats***
-Live in at least 6 major cities  ***I do like this, however, it's a lot of moving.  Maybe I'll settle for 3 or 4***
-Visit Japan  ***this would still be cool***
-Go to an English World Cup game  ***I'm very interested in this, hopefully it will coincide with a nice postdoc position***
-take dance lessons  ***success!***
-Perform in at least 3 more musicals  ***I don't see this happening anytime in the near future.  I'm way too busy with science***
-Push harder for 3rd party candidates ***Barack Obama is too good not to support***
-Find Crushed Mellon Jones  ***success!  However, it's not my favorite.  I still prefer Strawberry Lime, FuFuBerry, and Green Apple***
-Work overseas for the Red Cross  ***this would be cool***
-Live to see an American (or at least nontraditional) Pope.  ***I'd like to see some nontraditional thought in the papal seat for no other reason than the fact that he still wields a great amount of power for social change***
-Stay single ***amendment: dating is allowed***
-No kids (unless adopted at an OLDER age) ***still going strong!***

2nd (April 2006):
-Obtain an M.D.  ***not going to happen, medical school is not for me.  I'd rather be finding out what the hell is going on than trying to fix it***
-Obtain a Ph.D.  ***starting my PhD program in the fall***
-Work for Doctors Without Borders for at least 5 years  *no MD and therefore no Doctors Without Borders***
-Published in a respected peer reviewed journal 5 times  ***1 down, 2 pending***
-Be the senior author on one+ of those articles  ***still working on it***
-Finish undergrad with a 3.8 or higher  ***I will graduate Summa Cum Laude with a 3.91 cumulative***
-Work for the adoption of a three+ party system in the US
-Keep social (harder to do than you think considering my first two goals)  ***The more I get involved with my research the more difficult this becomes.  My last update claimed that I was succeeding, however, this was right after my tenure as an RA.  Things are a little different when your life doesn't revolve around being social.***
-Never give up on new music ***I've been a little lax in this department since I've had computer problems and have gotten busier.  However, I'm still finding that I love R&B and rap.***
-Immediately join the Armed Forces should there ever be a draft (in a medical position)  ***desparately try for a medical position***
-Train as an EMT  ***this would be really really cool, but since I haven't done it yet, I don't see myself having the time for it during research.  Maybe at some point I'll give up the life as a researcher and try something else.***
-Score a 30+ on the MCAT  ***umm... no MCAT and therefore no MCAT score.  However, I did score a 1300 on my GRE (which I heard was pretty decent)***
-Learn to play two+ Ben Folds songs on the piano  ***this is going to take a while***
-See Rent live
-See Cabaret live
-See Fiddler on the Roof live
-See Rocky Horror Live
-Get 3 other people addicted to www.questionablecontent.net  ***Jaime and Sam, two down***
-Continue sharing files over the internet  ***Oink died.  :(    I'm going to have to find another sharing site***
-Become the best RA I can be in Larzy next year  ***success!***
-Become an active member of the ACLU  ***I'll be sending in my application soon***
-Fight the icky gamer stereotype  ***actively working on it!***
-Keep familial contacts no matter how awkward  ***talking to my dad is getting easier!***
-Take care of my mom as she ages  ***I've taken her to a couple of concerts, musicals, and plays***
-Help Tina (sister) turn into an intelligent and active citizen (preferably liberal)  ***she plays video games?***
-Be able to see my abs  ***much closer to this goal than I was 4 years ago!***

3rd (August 2007):
-As I move more towards a Cell Biology Graduate Program, keep in mind my Neuroscience roots  ***success!***
-Keep Mr. Miller and SASA in the back of my mind  ***I've been calling him every once in a while.  We seriously need to schedule a time to get together and hang out at a bar.  Damn his children!***
-take DnD back up  ***this is going to be hard... Especially with the new systems coming out.  I doubt I'll have the money to buy a shitload of new books***
-buy more organic and local foods  ***I buy local whenever I can.  For example, there is some salsa that is made in Midland that I buy and I always get the Kellogg brown sugar instead of the stuff that's made in Mexico.  However, there's not much else that I can really go after.  I'll have to start hitting up the farmer's markets when summer rolls around***
-ride my bike wherever I can substitute for my car  ***I've been doing this A LOT.  I don't have my bike up here currently, but I've been walking everywhere instead.  It really helps with gas money and also I get a workout!***
-start a garden/greenhouse  ***I don't have either of these, however, I take great joy in my plants.  I only regret that I couldn't afford to keep the house warm enough that all of them lasted throughout the winter.  In reality, only two of my five plants made it through the cold winter months.***
-keep up with the news via radio, newspaper, and internet  ***I really need to clean out my music library so that I can safely hook up my iPod to my computer and download podcasts***
-stay untied to things  ***I love crocs...***
-keep ties with people  ***still talking to Alice!  ;D  ***
-get a 1300+ on the GRE  ***scored a 1300.  whew!***
-exercise more  ***been getting to the gym at least 2 times a week!***
-go for a new record with Jaime (I'll let you decide what this means)  ***never achieved this.  We've been rocky for quite a while and have only recently gotten back together... kinda... I hope it goes well...***
-survive these three grad classes I'm taking with good grades  ***All As except one A-***
-stay under a $50 budget per month for food, gas, and misc.  ***I kinda do this.  It all depends on the month and what's going on.  During March I spent a lot of money on party stuff for St. Patrick's day, but in November I spent almost nothing because I was too busy to do anything***
-subscribe to the Detroit Free Press  ***I read USA Today***

NEW!!!  (April 2008)
-find a mentor at Pittsburgh
-publish 2-3 times at Pittsburgh
-graduate with my PhD
-find a cool dive bar at Pitt to hang out at
-keep some sort of love life going and smile at pretty girls
-try to get a postdoc position out of the country
-start saving my money (about $2-3k a year in a long-term savings fund during graduate school)
-pay back my student loans before I'm 32
-send out very specific thank you cards to people that have greatly impacted my life once I graduate with my B.S.
-never have children; they suck, they cost an arm and a leg, they ruin you life - in short I can't stand them.
-get a bulldog
-keep my blood pressure down through diet and exercise
-at some point be able to see my abdominal and pectoral muscles
-stay under 100kg
-take over all of my bills in the next year (life insurance, health insurance, dental, etc.)
-keep reading for fun
-stay mildly active in cybernations so I can be one of those old-fogies.  Even right now I'm a wise-elder-type member in Sparta.  :D
-stay open to new experiences and new life choices (in other words, never get so set in my ways that I ignore an opportunity to explore for fear)
-see Chicago with Jaime
-see Walla Walla with Alice
-see New York with Courtney
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