Meme I stole from Jeph Jacques

Apr 27, 2008 21:00

1. My username is _____ because ____

My username is pumpkin32 because that was the thing that popped into my head when I was choosing my username. At the time I had become less enamored with Lord Arlian and wanted something different. pumpkin32 popped, in part because of my love of carving pumpkins. More on carving pumpkins later... Oh, and the 32 was just some random number that seemed to work. I wanted pumpkin32 as my AIM name but evidently someone took it. Bastard...

2. My name is _____ because ______.

My name is Bartholomew because my mom wanted to name me something that would seem nice and proud if I were to ever become the CEO of a major corporation. Oh, and my family's Catholic. But everyone calls me Bart, to my early dismay and my current apathy. When I was young I hated the name because it made me stick out among all the other little kids. And because it rhymed with "fart". :( Now I don't really care. Bart's a unique name. I have never actually met another person with the name Bart, only heard about them. I've heard about 4-5 other people in my entire life that have been named Bart (or a variation thereof) and I don't count the disciple. Fictional characters are fictional.

My last name is Roland. I really like this name and I actually wish it was my first name. It's so damn cool. I never want to have kids but the boys names that I like the most are Mickey and Roland.

My middle name is Philip because my family's Catholic and my mom's maiden name was Phillips.

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.

My journal is titled "It is 5am" because you are listening to Los Angeles.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.

My friends page is called "UPDATE YOUR SHIT!!!" because I always check my friends page when I come onto livejournal and it helps remind me to update my journal in the hopes that others will do the same. This journal is the one window into many of my friends' lives and I don't want to close it. Please, update your shit.

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

A picture I took... 5 or 6 years ago of a pumpkin I carved. I was going for a napster and I think I did a pretty damn good job. I have yet to top that pumpkin and I feel it represents a little of me and this journal. I've tried other pictures for my userpic, but I always come back to this one. Amanda, thank you very much for the customized Bart userpic, but after a while I felt like I had to go back to this one. I love it too much.
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