the garden, it grows...finally...

Jun 17, 2009 19:51

I planted herbs on memorial day weekend. the week after we moved i got in the garden one night to work on the soil, and completely overdid it, effort-wise. i was wiped (overheating, dehydration, and vigorous work...) for a couple days.

and then the rains came. it feels like we've had hours of rain every night for weeks. i'm not sure how accurate that is in reality, but we've certainly had a lot of rain, and it tends to come in the evening, when i *could* be in the garden. so i haven't been. until tonight.

I added a bay plant, and row of chives (seeds) to the herb garden. i worked in the compost i'd put down in the vegetable garden to the very clay-ey soil already there. (that's what i was doing when i broke me a few weeks ago.) and then... i planted.

a row of (bell) peppers, 3 cuke hills, and 2 squash hills. i marked the seeds with stakes (er, sticks) with a piece of white string tied around. mostly so i know where to look over the next few days for the seedlings, but also...well, just in case nothing comes up. planning for failure karmically prevents it. hah. take that, universe!

and then i tucked them all in with a nice blankie of pine needles and read them a story (once upon a time, there were good little plants that grew and grew and became dinner! the end.) and sent them to bed. awww, the end!

california wonder peppers: germination in 10-12 days (6/27-29); harvest in 75 (8/31)
tendergreen cucumber: germination in 8 days (6/25); harvest in 55 (8/10)
early prolific straightneck squash: germination in 7-10 days (6/24-27); harvest in 50 (8/6)
chives: germination in 15-21 days (7/2-8)


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