Feb 05, 2008 23:23
It is currently 11:25 and I really have not made the proper dent in my homework, but I have made a dent, which is something. The funny thing is that I procrastinated homework by doing homework. Explanation: I did not want to study math, so I read ahead in my phonics book instead. To me, that is funny. I guess it is just part of who I am. But I actually don't know who I am, so maybe it isn't.
There is lightening outside. It is fascinating to me because my desk faces the window and every time the sky lights up, I jump a little. It is just so bright. The window is wide open but I am still warm. I pulled my sweater off and tied my hair up as soon as I walked in the door. And you know, I love that. I love feeling warm without being coated in blankets and clothes. I love the comfort of cool air tapping my shoulders and the smell of everything outside. It rained hard all day long and it is still coming down. When the water wasn't coming, I walked up and down State Street studying my notes, and when I was finished the paper was wet just from the air. I think it is neat that we breathe in water, just in a different form. So are we really that different from fish anyways?
The answer, by the way, is a definite yes. But not so much in the aspect of breathing (maybe).
Since the subject of water came up anyways, let's talk about this. A friend unknowingly got me thinking about toilets that flush automatically. I wonder if the overall effect is saving water or wasting it. In his case, water was wasted. And I think that is the general experience people have with toilets. But sinks are a different story. I cannot decide if automatic sinks waste or save water. Because sometimes automatic sinks have a delay with shutting off after you pull your hands away (therefore wasting water), but the advantage would be that while you are rubbing the soap together, attempting to achieve some sort of level of cleanliness (that is probably impossible or pointless when you think about it) the water would shut off. And I would venture to say that most people do not shut off the water while going through this rubbing motion, so this aspect would save water. It probably all evens out. I remember walking into the bathroom a few weeks ago and seeing two people standing at consecutive sinks, brushing their teeth. They were sort of standing straight up, putting all their weight on one leg or the other, looking bored while keeping up on this annoying aspect of hygiene. And all the while, both sinks were pouring out water. This annoyed me, so I was quick to ask if they would please shut the water off and continue to do so as the water crisis has been a growing problem since the 1970s and only gets worse when we waste water. I said it nicely and in a way that would make people understand, but the way I felt was mean and judgmental. When I went back to my room I found that thinking about water, or lack of water, made me want to cry.
One time my sister told me about a study scientists did. They took water and examined the way its particles were aligned. Then they put a stereo next to the water and played different kinds of music and took pictures of the particles. The result was interesting because when they played classical music all the particles were lined up symmetrically and when they played vulgar metal music the particles were in this chaotic arrangement that made no sense at all. These were the two extremes and in between were just different variations of such results. This fascinates me. I haven't actually been able to find proof of this study, so maybe she made it up. But still, it is interesting.
Back to toilets, why do we have automatic flushers anyways? Is it so much of an inconvenience to flush it manually? It seems there are always malfunctions with automatic things anyways, and the art of automatic toilet flushing has clearly not been mastered. So why not just stick with the basic toilet that is more reliable and less wasteful? And is it so inconvenient to turn the water off while brushing your teeth? I just don't get it. I don't get why people are lazy or why people aren't more drawn toward doing the right things. Most of all, I cannot understand why it is that people don't care.