My path to the pulps

Nov 15, 2006 22:58

I first became aware of the pulp magazines with Warren Ellis' Planetary and Alan Moore's ABC Comics.

This interest became rekindled recently when I purchased the role-playing game, Spirit of the Century and my group played a few sessions of it. I realized that I had seen many of the movies that were inspired by pulp adventure stories (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Sky Captain) but didn't know very much about the actual literature itself.

I'm halfway through my first Captain Satan novel with Secret Agent "X" and Domino Lady waiting. Shadow and Doc Savage reprints are on their way to my house and tonight I ordered G-8 and his Battle Aces for the old timey stuff along with All-Star Zeppelin Adventures and Adventure Stories Volume 1 for modern writers taking their shot at it.

And the best part of this exploration of pulp is that I've begun to write stories of my own.

Vintage Library has been helpful in hunting this stuff down, as has Wildcat Books. The library where I work has all six volumes of Yesterday's Faces, which is interesting reading.

If anyone has any other items or resources for pulp adventure, please let me know.

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