Bah! Yet YAY!

Feb 03, 2010 18:28

As I mentioned early today on Facebook we had a guy drop out of our class and thus out of our team. I just finished all of three assignments that he was supposed to have done for our team project that is due on Saturday. I am tired, my brain hurts, my fingers are worn down.

Anyway its done and I sent it off to the rest of my team for editing.

In addition to that domestically I did 3 loads of laundry, 2 loads (well 1.5) of dishes, installed a new printer tray (now I can hold lots of paper!), balanced the check book, and paid some bills.

Now in addition to that scholastically I also completed my Memo for lab 5 and turned that in and took my first exam which I ACED and with 25 minuets to spare.

Ria is not home from school for another hour and change so I think it is video game time. I could use some Mass Effect and not typing on keyboard or usign a mouse for a while.

Someday my Wednesday off will actually be a day off. I hope.

tired, school

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