oh wouldnt it just be grand.

Apr 25, 2009 13:48

I am stuck in a rut. A hair rut to be precise. I want to grow it so badly but i've got a hair show on the first of June, and i know they'll hack it off. I'm not even getting paid for it, i'm just doing Kayleigh a favour and getting nice hair out of it. Short hair makes me look horrific. Oh well, we'll see shall we? I have the most horrendous hangover ever. I feel so bad that Tom had to literally carry me home last night, all the way to the tube station and then go back home, i got ratted. It was fun, but by the end of the night i turned into one of the awful depressive drunks. I have never done this before. When i got home, mother was not best pleased. But instead of having a pop at me, she just looked at me. And then helped me sort myself out. I think she understood bhy i was a wreck. AM a wreck. And why i am always drunk. I think she knows WHY i drink so much when i go out. She doesn't accept it, but she understands.
I hate being at home. I'm never as depressed as when i'm at home. It makes me so sad to see my mother slowly cracking and breaking down because of him. HIM. I hate him. One day

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