Video: Find Your Way ( Love Me If You Dare )

Feb 02, 2012 17:07

Vidder: Kitty
Title: Find Your Way
Fandom: Love Me If You Dare / Jeux d'enfants
Genre: Relationship study, Drama, Romance, Movie Overview
Song/Artist: "Find Your Way" by Michelle Branch
Software: Sony Vegas 8
Characters/Pairings: Sophie/Julien
Summary: "Waiting is all that I can do, until you find your way back to me."
Download: WMV (Windows), M4V (MAC)
Streaming: Vimeo (pass: kittyvids), Youtube

*Festivids 2011 vid for purplefringe*


I've actually been wanting to make this video for more than several years now. I'm glad this movie finally got matched at festivids. It's my favorite romance movie ever!!! "Find Your Way" by Michelle Branch seemed to fit perfectly.

Seriously, this movie is beautiful. If you haven't seen it, well this one is definitely one of those movies that you shouldn't skip out on. If your curious about the plot, you can read it here.

To those who have posted comments over at festivids post here & here - Thank you so much for all the sweet comments! All the comments made me squee with joy! I'm actually really surprised that I got that feedback. :D

For those who haven't seen this vid, enjoy & feedback is appreciated!

vid: kitty, kitty, fandom: movie

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