Video: Own Little World ( Jennifer's Body ) VVC

Aug 10, 2012 18:34

Vidder: Kitty
Title: Own Little World
Fandom: Jennifer's Body
Genre: Horror, Relationship study, Movie Overview
Song/Artist: Own Little World (CPR Mix) VS. (Remorse Code & Blue Stahli Remix) by Celldweller "Mixed together by Kitty"
Software: Sony Vegas 8
Characters/Pairings: Jennifer/Needy
Summary: "Welcome to a world where the air I breathe is mine."
Download: WMV (Windows), M4V (MAC)
Streaming: Vimeo (Password: kittyvids), Youtube

WARNING: Physical triggers (e.g., epilepsy or migraine: strobe lights, bright lights, "stuttery" cuts between 2-3 stills)
Streaming versions hate my vid. They lag, skip frames and the timing is off, which always seem to happen to me when I decide to edit fast cuts :(. I Highly suggest you download the file or atleast let the video load all the way through before watching it.

*Premiered at vividcon 2012 "Non-Attending Premieres"*


I started this video back in early 2010. I finished about half way through and stopped working on it. I remember when I started working on the beginning part of the vid, I was really excited with the way it turned out. Unfortunetly around that time, I developed the habit of starting projects and then stopping them. I knew eventually I had to finish this vid, because it seemed like one that I couldn't let go unfinished. I decided to pick it back up and finish it for Vividcon 2012. I'm so glad that it's finally complete.

I've always been a fan of "Dark/Horror/Supernatural" type of movies/shows so it came to no surprise that I would end up vidding Jennifer's Body. I really wanted to use a Celldweller song, and thought "Own Little World" was a pretty good choice. What really won me over though were the remix versions of this song. They are so cool and there is about 40+ remixes (and yes I have all of them, lol). I loved the two versions that I chose and mixed them together for this vid.

There is so many things going on in this vid. I like calling it, "A Cool Looking Hot Mess of a Vid." I threw in some coloring, some random transitions and effects, stock footage of static, some panning and super fast reversed footage. The reversed footage, I had to actually render a few times to get it to go at the speed it did. As for the coloring, These days I don't use much coloring anymore, but this movie/vid desperately needed coloring work and brightness. The stock footage of tv static was greatly inspired by the ending of the movie, also the song choice helped too :P.

I had fun making this vid! I hope you guys will enjoy it. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
PS. I really need to make more happy, non-crazy vids.. (I will repeat this till the day I retire from vidding, lol)

[Reversed Singing of the Song's Lyrics]

Air I breathe is mine

It's time to go

My own little world
Welcome to a world where the air I breathe is mine
There's nothing to overwhelm me and nothing to cloud my mind
Be anyone, do anything I'd ever want to try
Time doesn't exist here

Slip into a world where the air I breathe is mine
There's nothing to overwhelm me and nothing to cloud my mind
Come with me into it and you know what you will find
Time doesn't exist here
We will never die [x2]

Never Die
Go [x10]

We will never die [x3]

vid: kitty, kitty, fandom: movie

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