just_muse_me | 10.9.4. Parenthood

Dec 27, 2008 18:29

10.9.4. Parenthood

Co-written with doctortara, drcampbell & sexyinscrubs


The young night Maternity nurse couldn’t help but smile in amusement at the crowd squished into the waiting room for Baby Campbell. Barely even two hours old and he was already a star around the hospital with a large personal cheer squad to boot. “I’m looking for a Riley and a Patrick. Campbell Godfathers, I believe?” she asked, looking around expectantly.

Riley shot up out of his seat, gesturing to Pat in the wheelchair. “That’s us!” He cleared his throat. “I mean, um, is everything okay?”

The nurse smiled and nodded. “Of course. Tara and Lachlan want to see you for a little minute. Neither want to rest until they see you two and at nearly two am, we have to do what we can to stop them holding lights-out at ransom. Both are exhausted and need to sleep, so…” She gestured pointedly to the door.

Riley nodded quickly and glanced back at Evie with a small shrug as he stepped in behind Pat to push the chair. “Did they say anything? I mean, we can all come back in the morning or the afternoon. The afternoon would be better. They need to rest. We were just waiting to hear that the little one was okay.”

“Don’t worry, darling. I’ll kick Lachie’s arse when we get in there. Of course they need to rest. It’s no time for tea parties. If I can hardly keep my eyes open, Tara must be about ready to pass out for a week,” Pat said and waved to one of the nurses he knew as they passed.

“I think this is important to them,” the nurse said cryptically and gestured around the corner. “Room eleven and please try to be quick.”

“Sure, of course,” Riley confirmed with a nod and wheeled Pat into Tara’s room. He couldn’t help but break into a smile at the scene. Tara was cuddled up in the bed barely awake, but watching her husband sitting beside her nursing their son with a tired smile on her face. Her fingers were stroking Lachlan’s face and they were sharing some hushed words together that only they were privy to. Riley didn’t want to intrude and Pat was nudging him too to try and get him to back out of the room again, but Riley banged into the door jamb in his haste, cursing softly and inevitably catching the attention of the new parents.

Lachlan turned to look over his shoulder with a smirk. “Dinnae be tellin’ me you two were goin’ to feck off without meetin’ my son,” he said softly and carefully stood up to turn around. “He’ll be makin’ you two buy all the rounds on his eighteenth with feckin’ behaviour like that, and he’s a Campbell. Nay anything but the good stuff.”

“Don’t mind him,” Tara mumbled, barely managing to keep her eyes open. “He always gets more broader and patriotic after he’s been talking to his family. Come over, guys. We wanted you two to be the first to meet him now that Grandparental Invasion is over.”

Pat put at hand over to his mouth and choked up with tears. “Oh my god, you’re parents. You’re a mummy and a daddy and you fucking make it look good,” he said tearfully. He waved his hand a little. “Let me see my godson. Holy shit, is he supposed to be that small? Is he okay?”

“Nay, we havenae put the pump up his butt to blow him up yet,” Lachlan said, amused. “Aye, he’s okay. A wee bit small and will need to spend some time in a humidicrib, but considering everything, he’s perfectly healthy. Ten fingers, ten toes, one penis,” he added cheekily and leaned to place the tiny baby in Pat’s arms.

“No, no, no!” Pat panicked with a shriek. “I can’t! I don’t want to break him! I’m not strong enough!”

Lachlan shook his head. “Shh, it’s okay, buddy. We’ll go with your right side. Your good side. Riley, crouch down here and hold the wee one with Pat.” He kept a hold of the bundle until Riley crouched down with a smile and helped give Pat the confidence to hold the baby. “Guys, we want you to meet your godson, Riley Patrick Campbell.”

Riley’s head snapped up and he looked at Lachlan, then at Tara, in shock. “Are you… are you…” His brain had been trying to get ‘Are you serious?’ out, but his mouth wasn’t cooperating. Instead, all his emotions swelled up with that one sentence and he started to cry. He stroked the newborn’s soft cheek, taking in all his features, not missing the colour of his hair. He was tiny, sure, but he was perfect. Some kids really got the short end of the cuteness stick, but not this one. Just like his father, he was going to be a force to be reckoned with. Riley felt a burst of pride and happiness inside for his friends. He looked up at them with a tearful smile. “He’s absolutely beautiful, guys. Well done and Merry Christmas. Best gift ever, yeah?”

Despite Lachlan’s typical cheeky banter a few minutes ago, his own emotions were still frayed and he was exhausted, nothing but residual adrenaline and bursting ecstasy at the birth of his son keeping him going now. Like flicking a switch, he dissolved into tears himself and knelt down in font of his two best friends with his baby son. “Like you wouldnae believe,” he sobbed and leaned forward to press a kiss to the baby’s forehead. “It’s fittin’. He’s our miracle.”

“Like father like son,” Tara murmured, watching the scene for just a moment more before her eyes slipped closed and she was finally content enough to give into the exhaustion.

Word Count | 959

[comm] just_muse_me, [with] sexyinscrubs, [co-written] drcampbell, [co-written] doctortara, [entry] baby campbell, [co-written] sexyinscrubs, [plot] new beginnings, [with] doctortara, [with] drcampbell

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