The Aftermath | RP phone call with doctortara

Aug 02, 2008 17:25

Riley held his cell phone between his shoulder and his ear to free up his hands to do his jeans up. He glanced at the clock; he had plenty of time under his belt. He waited for Mrs Brennan to get Tara on the other end of the line. Riley had simply called to speak to either Lachlan or Tara's parents about how Lachlan was holding up now that the ( Read more... )

[with] doctortara, [rp] doctortara

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doctortara August 2 2008, 07:40:07 UTC
"Riley?" Tara said as she put the phone to her ear. "How are you, sweetie?"


pullmysteth August 2 2008, 07:42:55 UTC
Riley grabbed his smokes and sat down on the end of his bed. "That was supposed to be my question," he told her. "I'm okay. How are you? How is he doing? Last I saw him he looked like he'd been eaten by a gorilla and spat back out again."


doctortara August 2 2008, 07:51:03 UTC
Tara looked down at the lump of covers that was her sleeping husband. The only thing that gave it away was the glimpse of strawberry blond hair sticking out the top of the quilt. "Yeah, I've been better. I'm glad they discharged me so I can be here with him, but I'm getting restless being stuck in bed."

She adjusted crumpled quilt and smooth it over his back. "Lachie's been asleep for close to fifteen hours and I don't think he'll wake any time soon. He's pretty out of it. He's just emotionally exhausted. It does make it easier to be in bed when he's beside me."


pullmysteth August 2 2008, 07:54:01 UTC
"The emotional shut down I understand. He did tell me a few times in the last couple of weeks he just wants to go to bed and sleep for a week. Fifteen hours in... have you got a good book?" he joked gently.


doctortara August 2 2008, 07:58:35 UTC
Tara laughed softly. "I'm not sure I'm ready to stop watching him in relief yet. I keep touching him to make sure he's okay, but I should get over that by around sixty hours, huh? On the upside, he's not had a single nightmare and that frown he's had in his sleep since we go subpoenaed to court is gone. It's almost cathartic, Riley. I still can't believe she confessed."


pullmysteth August 2 2008, 08:59:15 UTC
"That was fucking out of left field. Of course, I only have secondhand info. Lachlan wasn't in any state to relay what had happened himself. He could barely stand when he got out of the court room. Unbelievable. I guess there is some hope for human race. At least she knew she did wrong and knew the consequences. They say she'll be lucky to get away with less than fifteen year."

He put a cigarette between his lips and lit up quickly. "And you touch him as much as you like, love. That's what the ring on your finger gives you free game to."


doctortara August 2 2008, 09:15:13 UTC
"He chatted about it a wee bit when we were taking a shower and getting ready for bed last night. He said when he first got on the stand, he was petrified. Be he forced himself to look at her and make eye contact, but she couldn't hold it and averted her eyes. He said he realised then that she was remorseful on some level, but still, the testimony was horrible. He had to relive it all and had some of the most awful questions thrown at him. I think its going to take a wee while for him to get over it all."


pullmysteth August 2 2008, 09:34:08 UTC
"And sleep is definitely a good place to start. From the looks of it, he's hardly gotten a good night sleep in weeks," Riley noted. "And how about you? The pain settled a little now? Are you feeling better?"


doctortara August 2 2008, 09:37:12 UTC
"He hasn't," Tara confirmed. "And you know how I know he's really torn up inside? His music. He's stopped playing, he's stopped singing. He's lost his inspiration. It hurts my heart, Riley. I don't know how to help him with that. He threw his wet towel over his guitar last night and barely looked at it."

She sighed. "Yeah, much better. The bleeding has stopped and my sugars are stable. It's just a waiting game now."


pullmysteth August 2 2008, 09:43:22 UTC
"Still no playing?" Riley frowned. "Fuck. Do we need to stage an intervention? Set up a Karaoke night or something?"

He watched the end of his cigarette, that helpless feeling for his friends settling in his gut again. "It's been two weeks now. That's got to be a positive thing. And bearing in mind its a mini Campbell you have in there. There won't be giving up without a fight. Are you still having pregnancy symptoms?"


doctortara August 2 2008, 09:48:32 UTC
Tara put her free hand on Lachlan's head, softly brushing her fingers through his hair. He didn't stir at all. "I don't know. Maybe when he's back on his feet a wee thing might be a good idea. You risk him doing the whole 'I'll get up if you do' thing, you realise that? Would you do it?"

She looked at her stomach. "Still can't quite believe we made twins," she mumbled. "Not that it matters anymore. I keep getting sick, but I don't know if that's been pregnancy or pent up worry."


pullmysteth August 2 2008, 09:55:17 UTC
Riley hesitated, already feeling hot and nervous about the idea of singing Karaoke again after the last disaster. "See, I really want to say no to that but you know I'd do fucking anything to help him. At the same time, I don't want to run him in to something he doesn't want to do. The trauma he's been through... he might just need to find the inspiration again on his own."

"Are you scared to bond with the baby? Lachlan mentioned something about being scared to get used to it if it was just going to be taken away."


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