
Nov 08, 2014 08:20

Every step I take is becoming more and more intentional as I learn more about myself and seek to more closely live in line with my ultimate goals. I am at peace with where I find myself, and I am thankful for the genuine people around me who also live intentionally.

Having Arif gone this week provided me time and space in abudance, and I came out on the other side feeling renewed. I have found clarity and strength.

I have let go what needed to be let go. I grieve the losses, but I rejoice in them too. If losing my brother taught me anything, it taught me to appreciate the hole left behind because it signifies something wonderful you had for a time. I also rejoice because the losses are healthy ones. They keep me on the path I have chosen; they keep me intact as Holly.

The losses, the gains. They keep me moving forward, one step at a time.
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