Apr 22, 2009 00:15

So today - or yesterday actually - a car blew up right next to my house. It was an old car which engine caught fire in the middle of the fucking road.

I heard people screaming and talking loudly, mostly by-standers. And somebody tried to take out the fire with a small fire extinguisher but the person obviously had no skill in that area so the fire only amplified. People tend to panic and shit their pants in those situations but I was focused, like a wolf.

First thing I thought was securing my family and pets away from the fence and the windows, since the flaming object was less than 3 meters away from my freaking house. I had my phone in hand and called the fire department, something people just aren't trained to do anymore these days. It's like they're concerned about looking bad, asking for help. Why do you pay your taxes, morons? Anyway there are ways to speak when you call emergency services and I was taught that in first aid classes. I probably sounded like a cop then ;P

Anyway, the police and people from city hall showed to setup a perimeter but there was still a lot of traffic and more and more by-standers arrived, completely overlooking the regulation 75 meter security distance from the possible explosion hazard. 5 minutes later the fire fighters arrived.

The dude responsible for this mess was a 60 something douche who thought it to be a good idea to cruise across the country for spring break with his vintage piece of Alfa Romeo shit. That car rode its last ride. The dude stuck around with his wife and family later on to scavenge bits and pieces of the scorched carcass which was a pathetic sight.

cars, life

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