HYD2 Ep 6 Summary (post @ soompi)

Feb 11, 2007 04:33

Another WOW episode! I was in tears near the end...but thank goodness, the script writers decided to let us have some fun in the VERY end!


- Nishida told Makino what happened in NY...this part I am not too sure...but I think Tsukasa made a joke at a party (?) and that joke pissed some big dude off, thus that big dude decided to ruin Domyoji's company (?).

- one of the workers that Tsukasa grew close to, got fired due to this incident. Thus he became poor and couldn't support his family. So he jumped off the building...and Tsukasa watched him die...he did try to stop this worker, however stopped by two body guards.

- so after that, Tsukasa changed...thinking he needed to made up for all the loss he caused, that he must bring Domyoji's group to the top again...thus he needed to be the top...he needed to be a leader. So with that mindset, Tsukasa thought there was no room for his own happiness, and decided to give Makino up.

- Makino believed Nishida, but questioned why he was telling her this. Weren't they (him and the meanie mother) against Tsukasa going out with her? Why was he asking her to be with Tsukasa again? Nishida replied saying he must return to NY tomorrow...he said it was up to her what to do with Tsukasa. However, Nishida said that Tsukasa could only be strong with Makino by his side...and if Tsukasa was going to lead Domyoji's group...he would need Makino.

- Rui was waiting for Makino when she came back from the meeting with Nishida...he saw her following Nishida to the car. He hugged her from behind...telling her not to be unhappy...that he was here for her. He tried to kiss her...grrr...but thank goodness, Makino backed away. Rui was disappointed by her action...but really, what the heck did he expect??? Sorry, as you can see, I am all for Tsukasa!

- Anyway, Makino's parents went back to that countryside place...they were acting kind of weird. After that, Tsukasa showed up at their place...holding on to a pepper shaker (I think)...asking Makino to lend him some suger (I think) LMAO Susumu was real smart...quickly knew that Tsukasa wanted to spend some time alone with his sister. He asked Tsukasa to lend him his room so he could study. Tsukasa was a bit shocked at first, but finally realized Susumu was trying to help him! SO cute!

- Makino was cooking nikujaga (meat with potatoes, carrots, etc)...she was peeling the potatoes as Tsukasa staring at her. At first, when she looked back, he was sitting on the tatami, eyes not leaving her. The second time she turned around, he was right behind her. He hugged her from behind...and said that he meant what he said last night. That he wanted to once more, renew his feelings...really want to start again with Makino. Makino said stop...and he was like huh? Makino was like, where are you touching me? And Tsukasa was touching her breast....anyway, Makino flung him off and overthrew him...crashing on the floor...but given the old building...the floor gave beneath them...and crashed below to the bottom floor.

- Oh yeah, during Makino's meeting with Nishida, Tsukasa phoned Tsubaki asking her for help. Telling her that he needed her "strength".

- Tsubaki ne-chan came to look for Makino at the sweet shop. At the same time, Sara was there, and realized Makino's relationship with F4...she was shocked...

- Next scene, we saw Tsubaki coming home, with a big box, and some luggages. Tsukasa was shocked, but happy that she came back so soon. She said of course, she was there to help them both! She had a present for him. Then she opened the box, and out came Makino. Imagine Tsukasa's surprise!!! Makino, a bit embarrassed, asked if it was truly ok she stayed in their house. And Tsubaki was like, "Of course! Tsukasa phoned me and asked me for help...that he wanted to cancel the wedding plans with Shigeru, and once again, be with Makino!" Tsukasa was so embarrassed, "Ne-chan, don't say that in front of Makino!" And Tsubaki was like, "What? Isn't that the truth?!" Tsukasa muttered yes.

- So from that moment, Makino was living at their house in secret...in one of the storage rooms. Tsubaki ne-chan told her what happened to her in the past...how she was forced to break up with her first boyfriend...her first boyfriend was a son of a normal salaryman. But the meanie mother wanted her to marry a hotel heir. Basically, the meanie mother did the same thing...threatening to cut off financial/job-related things of her first bf's father. So of course, the bf broke it off with Tsubaki. Therefore, Tsubaki refused the same thing done to Tsukasa...especially knowing the girl Tsukasa loved so much was Makino. Tsubaki said she couldn't force how Makino feel towards Tsukasa...but she wanted her to truly think about it.

- Tsubaki went back to tell Tsukasa she did all she could...that now it was up to him. Moreover, she told him he must cut off everything with Shigeru...don't delay any longer. This love (with Makino) should be treated with all his strength (his power to live). Sorry bad translation.

- Tsukasa did try to break it off with Shigeru, however, she refused to listen. She said she won't break up with him, that if he asked that of her, she would die. Umm...really girl...smell the coffee beans here....it was obvious she knew what was happening...why hold on to a guy like this??? She deserved much better!

- Makino at school again...no money for buying lunch. And she couldn't make her own either, since she was living in secret at Tsukasa's house. Suddenly, Soujiro and Akira called from the floor above, and said they would treat her lunch. They asked her where she was staying now...and she got all nervous...and said she was staying at a friend's house. Then suddenly, Tsukasa came...shocked at seeing Makino there. Then he tried to act...and said, "My oh my, Makino, you are here! Long time no see!" Hilarious scene! The guys quickly sensed something was up...and demanded an explaination! But before it could go any further, Makino remembered it was the day that the result of the test would come out. So she quickly rushed off!

- Tsukasa confessed to the two that Makino was staying in his place. Rui arrived a bit later...and Tsukasa asked to talk with him privately again...Akira was scared that they would fight again, and tried to calm them down. However, Soujiro asked Akira to leave with him...it was something that needed to be solve between Rui and Tsukasa...and only the two of them could work it out. There was nothing Soujiro and Akira could do, so they left.

- *sigh* Tsukasa was still so childish sometimes, trying to claim Makino as his...by telling Rui that Makino was living at his house. That Tsukasa wanted to be with Makino again.... Rui asked him, if that was his way of telling Rui to back off, to let Tsukasa be with Makino again. Tsukasa admitted it. However, Rui didn't comply...and just replied, "This is not something I can decide. Nor Tsukasa. Valentine is coming soon. I wonder who Makino will give the chocolate to."

- Makino passed the test, and got accepted into Eitoku University. Shigeru came to find her...and asked her if she could say nothing was between her and Tsukasa. Then Shigeru reminded Makino that Makino congratulated them, when Shigeru said she was dating Tsukasa. So Shigeru said, "I can trust you right Makino? I can trust you that nothing is happening between you and Tsukasa." Tears filled Makino's eyes.

- Yuki phoned Makino...asking her whether she had decided who to give the choco to on Valentine's day...telling her to go ahead, not to suppress her feelings anymore. Anyway, Soujiro and Akira suddenly showed up at the tea ceremony club...Sara saw them...and quickly hide. Soujiro was going to give a tea ceremony demonstration, however, saw the tea cup...the one he saw in the display window. Yuki told him he couldn't use that cup, it belonged to Sara san. Soujiro was shocked upon hearing the name...he said, "Sara...you don't mean Hinada Sara (? spelling not sure)." Yuki said yes, that was her...was she his friend. He quickly said no, got up, and left.

- Rui and Tsukasa had a meeting...asking whether Makino had make a date with either of them on Valentine's Day. Rui replied no...she didn't call once. Tsukasa replied something, but I couldn't make it out...but maybe he said he would meet her that day?

- Valentine's Day arrived. Tsukasa was waiting on the bridge...happily waiting for Makino. At the same time, Rui was in his room, playing is violin. Suddenly, the string broke...and this was ususally seen as bad luck. Anyway, Makino arrived at the bridge...and Tsukasa was SO HAPPY to see her...then he quickly asked her, "Don't you have something to give me? Come on, let me have it now."

- Makino took out a box, a red box, the box which held the saturn necklace. Tsukasa was beyond shocked seeing that, not the chocolate he expected. He said, "What? Are you kidding me? Is this a joke?" Makino said no, it wasn't. It took her a long time to come to this decision, that they must make a clean break. That they couldn't be together. No matter how much they wanted to be together, they won't get any blessings. So if that was the case, why continue?

- Then Tsuksa, (looked totally lifeless suddenly...no more emotion on his face)...threw the box over the bridge...the box dropping to the running river. Makino, equally shocked now, I guess she didn't expect him to do that. Then Tsukasa's anger exploded...he screamed, "Is that all I mean to you? HUH? To me, Makino is the only one. Makino is the only girl for me, anyone else is impossible! And now you are telling me this?" This is the part I broke down in Then he gave another heart-breaking scream...and walked away.

- Makino, tears in her eyes, watched him as he walked off...and then back to the red box in the river. For now, it was blocked by a rock from further flowing off. Suddenly, all the memories surrounding the necklace came flooding back to her. How he put the necklace around her neck...how he warned her to never lose it, how this was Tsukasa's first present to a girl, etc.

- The flowing water was too strong...the box began to move forward...flowing and flowing, farther and farther away. Suddenly, Makino snapped back to reality, and chased after the box. She ran down...and finally went into the water...(I was screaming at her, at the tv screen...telling her to run faster and faster...don't lose the necklace!) With all her might, she finally was able to grab the box, falling into the cold river...then held the box close to her heart...as she began to cry. As this happened, Tama (the maid) was watching. She smiled to herself...and walked away.

- Tsukasa went home...saw a box of choco on his table. He read the card...it was from Shigeru. He smiled this smile of irony...the choco he wanted to get so badly...he didn't get it, and the choco he didn't want, he got it. *sigh* He looked at the box the whole night...didn't sleep.

- Suddenly, a maid walked in...we couldn't see her face. She was picking up his jacket and scarf, commenting, "You didn't sleep last night..." Tsukasa was like, "None of your business." Then the maid made some other comment, and finally, "What would you like for breakfast?" Then Tsukasa looked up...and got the shock of his life, TA-DA, it was Makino, in maid uniform!

- Tsukasa was like, "What the heck are you doing here...dress like that?" Makino said, "I am working. I need this job. I need this as a reason, for staying here...in your house. I need a reason to stay here, to stay by your side, to fight this fight together, with you...." (somewhere along this line...not good at translating...but basically, she was telling him that she would be with him again [?])

Previews for Ep 7
- Yuki collapsed...Tsukasa & Makino found her.
- Soujiro and Sara both crying...
- Tsukasa & Makino...he is hugging her from behind again...I think they were looking at the stars through the telescope.

hana yori dango 2 ep 6 summary

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