HYD2 Ep 5 Summary (post @ soompi)

Feb 11, 2007 04:31

OMG OMG OMG OMG the preview for Ep 6 is a KILLER!!!!

But first, what happened in Ep 5...SPOILERS...DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT TO!!!

- Tsukasa told Makino he went to the hospital that night...Makino got real nervous and asked him when did he come??? Tsukasa was surprised by her nervous reaction...and asked her what happened. Makino tried to deny it...but Tsukasa put two and two together, and asked her if something happened between her and Rui. He then asked her if they kissed or something. Makino tried her best to deny it...but Tsukasa got real angry and pushed her (with words, not action...sorry for the confusion)...and she finally admitted that Rui kissed her....

- Tsukasa was FURIOUS...understatement, went to Eitoku, and asked to speak with Rui in private. However, Rui refused, saying there's nothing that Akira and Soujiro couldn't know about...then Tsukasa asked Rui what he did to Makino at the hospital. Soujiro was shocked that Tsukasa found out...but anyway, Rui flat out admitted that he kissed Makino...and Tsukasa tried to hit him, but failed, and got hit by Rui instead. Tsukasa then asked Rui if he was serious about Makino...and Rui said yes, without a moment of hestitation. Tsukasa refused to believe that, and said Rui must be joking...that he must be joking. But Rui said no, he wasn't. That he wanted to say this, to express his feelings for Makino for a long time...for a year long. He told Tsukasa that if Tsukasa and Makino were doing good, then he wouldn't say this...however, it was no point to keep it a secret anymore. Rui also said that a year ago, he "let" Tsukasa be with Makino...that he gave up Makino...so Tsukasa could be with her. But he won't do it anymore.

- Tsukasa was in hell after hearing Rui's confession...and was beyond angry that he threw this BIG flower pot downstairs, and started to hit people...and finally, gave a heart-breaking howl...my goodness....

- Makino thanked Rui for helping her postponed her test...thus invited him to a family restaurant (something she could afford), it was then Rui confessed to her that he really liked her. That he liked everything about her, when she was angry, when she was happy, when she was sad, etc. He said at first, he found her to be annoying, to be a bit too loud. However, he became more and more taken in with her...that whenever she was not around, he became lonely...and felt weird...that he needed to be near her. Makino tried to laugh it off and said that Rui already had Shizuka san...so how could he like her...she was very uncomfortable.

- Tsukasa helped Makino's brother Susumu with his crush. Susumu fell in love with a girl at first sight during his high school test. Therefore, Tsukasa helped him, encouraged him, and planned how he should pursue this girl. Although I would love to see more of Tsukasa and Makino...this whole "help the-woman-I-love's brother" plot was very heart-warming...and actually served a VERY important purpose...because throughout this whole process, Tsukasa was touched by Susume's pure love for this girl...and his courage to pursue this girl. Hence, he once re-realized his feelings for Makino...how he could never love anyone like that, so strong, as he love Makino. So he somehow, made up his mind...that he won't run away anymore. Tsukasa even got Akira and Soujiro to help Susumu out...because they were afterall, more experts in pursuing girls than he was!

- Oh and OH and OHHHHH...the last part...so climatic...Susumu passed the exam, but failed to get the girl. It was REALLY sweet how Tsukasa went all the way to help this kid...his encouragements to Susumu...really touching! Susumu was also so thankful to Tsukasa...it was so sweet when Tsukasa hugged Susumu to comfort about his lost...saying what mattered was that Susumu tried his very best...he worked hard for this. Anyway, this whole thing, (dating plan) was a secret...they didn't let Makino know. Anyway, Makino was very worried about Susumu, because he was acting real strange...and when he didn't contact her after finding out the result of the test...she was a bit freaked out, so she went out searching for Susumu...and to her very surprise, found Tsukasa with Susumu. She got angry with Tsukasa...questioning what he was doing with her brother. She also asked him not to bother them anymore....and told him to move out of that apartment. Susumu tried to explain the whole situation, but Makino pulled him along...trying to walk away from Tsukasa asap. Anyway, Tsukasa stopped them, and finally FINALLY confessed his true feelings. I was like THANK GOD...it's about time! Basically, he said he learned something real important from Susumu...then he should be brave like him...to really confront his feelings. Therefore, Tsukasa said to Makino, "I still like you...I can't imagine any other women but you. I know you must think I am an @sshole for saying this...but yes, I still LOVE you." Makino was touched, but she refused to believe it after all that hurt he put her through...and not to mention that the marriage thing with Shigeru is still hanging over their head. Thus she said, "Don't joke...don't make fun." and walked away...

- Makino had been avoiding Rui lately...not knowing what to say to him now-a-days. Anyway, after that confession from Tsukasa...she wanted to phone Rui...maybe to tell him that things should stay the way it was...just friends. Anyway, she phoned, however, didn't have the courage to say anything. Rui was disappointed...so after a bit, suddenly, knocking on the door.

- Makino opened the door...It was NOT the meanie mother. It was....NISHIDA...Tsukasa's guardian angel LOL...the secretary. He was here to see Makino...


- I guess Nishida was here to see Makino to tell her what happened the past year in NY. Because in the preview, we saw Tsukasa seeing the mysterious guy jumping off...and he actually tried to go forward to save him, however, stopped by someone, and I assume that was Nishida.

- Tsukasa hugging Makino from behind...SWEET

- YEAH...our favorite Ne-chan sister Tsubaki is BACK!!! Thank goodness...!

- Tama-san (the old lady maid) appears!

- Makino in maid uniform!!! Tsukasa looking SO damn happy...almost jumping on his bed! So cute!!! LOL

- Valentine's Day theme next ep...my limited Japanese, can't catch too much...but one scene, Rui told Tsukasa, "I am going to get Makino's chocolate." Or something like "Makino will give me chocolate." NOTE: In Japan, Valentine's Day work in a total different way. ONLY GIRLS give guys chocolate...yeah ...and if a girl gives a guy choco, that means she likes him. Tsukasa is pissed off upon hearing that.

- A crying Makino holding onto a box of choco?!

- Sara, eyes filled with tears...looking at Soujiro's back. Aww...I am so feeling for this girl...she's so cute!

BUT all in all, next ep should be looking pretty sweet for our couple Tsukasa & Makino. *keeping fingers crossed* It's about time the mood is brightened up! Yes, I am all in for Makino & Tsukasa! No rui...sorry.

hana yori dango 2 ep 5 summary

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