Jan 31, 2010 21:28
I had to do it again today! And it always annoys me no end!
I decided I would take a walk up to the Port as I have been covering the same tracks a lot lately (either over the hospital through to Midton and along Gourock front, or up over Grieve Road and down to Fort Matilda...or something along those lines always ending with the splash - Tesco - home.
I do like them routes, for the 1 simple fact that I can go in a circle. I never use the same street twice other than my own. I find going out a walk is good for exploring and re-tracing your steps takes away some of that.
So I decided I'd walk to the Port Tesco from my house, then to Greenock Tesco and up the road. I took a back route there heading out to Cappielow (btw when did the St Pat's pitch get tore up?). As I got to Cappielow I realised I had no idea how to get to Tesco except for using the main road. I knew the distance I wanted to walk and it involved going to the Port, as once I get a plan in my head I tend to like to follow it through.
So I gritted my teeth and walked along the main road to Tesco, and then back again. I can't describe it but those 20 or so minutes of retracing my steps were the most boring I have had in a while, and my works been quiet lately! It was basically a blur as there was nothing new to catch my eye.
All the problems in the world do not bug me as much as something as trivial as that! I'm either too laid back for most things, suffer some mad form of OCD or just a bit odd. I'd like a mix of the 3 please.
In future, I'm google mapping this stuff out before I leave if I'm not sure!