Feb 16, 2006 04:29
My trip to New York was marvelous! The most exciting part about that trip was that I experienced my first snow storm ever. I learned how to use a big looking toothbrush thingy to wipe the snow off of the car, how to reduce smoking, and how to make wonderful little snowballs to throw at people. My first day started with Kristina Picking up Lois and I from the airport. The drive to me felt extra long because I had no sleep due to me having to close the night before, and going to the airport with no shut eye. We then go to breakfast and met a lesbian lady (forget her name) that teaches people how to sing. After breakfast, we went to Lois’s parent’s house to listen to her family bitch at one another for the silliest things evA! I’m keeping in mind that her mother’s side of the family is Italian, so all the sarcastic dry humor did not bother me. Being in a family atmosphere really makes me want a family of my own. After listening to her relatives for hours, Lois decides that we should go sight see to get out of the house for a while. Kristina was driving, and she didn’t know her way around to where she wanted to go. Lois falls asleep in the car, so we just drove and looked at the same rock that we passed twice to find some mountain that was nowhere to be found. After our failed attempt to find the mountain, Lois finally wakes up and asks us where we were. We told her that we were seeing the same rocks and trees, so we went back to her uncle’s house to go out to dinner. Dinner was great because we went to a Chinese buffet where they had some mouth-watering snow crab! We go back to her uncle’s house to rest a little bit. Kristina thought it would be funny to take bingo markers, and stamp me and my girls forehead like there are invisible bingo cards taped there. We later go out to some bar during the storm, and I figured out why Lois doesn’t go crazy when I turn ghetto on her ass. As the song golddigger comes on, she starts rapping along to all the words in the song. I always knew she had some ghetto ness in her and she was hiding it from me all along. Sunday was a great day because it gave me an opportunity to play in the snow. We went back to her uncle’s house where they had four wheelers to play on. Lois was the first to show me that she wasn’t a granny like I claim she is. She gets on this boogie board looking thing, and starts flying down some hill. It was cute how she was trying to impress me with her snow skills. For the remainder of the evening, we all took turns riding on a tube that was connected to the fourwheeler. I think I busted the snow a few times trying to figure out the perfect way to sit on the thing. The reason why it was taking me so long was because the tube was deflating every time someone rode on it. Later that evening, we went back to Kristina’s house and played monopoly on her gamecube for 5 hours. I now believe in karma because I lost every single time we played early on in the game. I swear the controllers were rigged because I was bragging to Lois that I am an excellent Monopoly player. Monday morning we played Monopoly again for about 3 hours and drove back to the airport where we would catch our plane. We lucked out because there were loads of people still waiting to catch a plane the night prior because all of the cancellations due to the snow storm. Valentines Day was wonderful, but I will not share here what all we did. All I can say is that I have not been this happy in a very long time. I hope that we both can continue to grow as individuals, and have growth in our relationship. It has taken some time to build a foundation because there have been a lot of variables controlling the pace of our relationship, but I would not turn back the hands of time for anything in the world now. With the past months, our trust, communication, and priorities have exceeded that of what I was expecting in our pathway to a great relationship. I can only look forward to the wonderful events ahead of us both, and hope that our bond grows stronger every day that we are together.