I have now finished my first year of university.
My exams went pretty shitty. A couple perks include passing econ(fuck yeah !) and being able to use un-catholic words in an essay.
For Modern Art and Theory, she gave us one essay topic: What is surrealism? In other words, discuss one third of the semester with insight, well-chosen examples, and a thorough explanation of key concepts. 7 pages of writing later, I was actually quite satisfied of the exam not because I think I did well but because it was enjoyable to write. Firstly, I was able to discuss the duality of sex and violence with the appropriate vocabulary. For instance, on Man Ray's Erotique Vollée (1933), I discussed a sexual act between a woman and a machine and mentioned its suggestion of penetration and ejaculation inside the women. Then, 2 pages later, while discussing Giacometti's Suspended Ball (1930-31), I explained the representations of the Oedipal complex, a vulva, an erect penis, penetration, and castration.
As for Art in the Age of Revolution, I wasn't even close to being ready. I kept getting stuck on useless concepts such german romanticism, Turner's exceptional use of landscape painting and his suggestion of impressionism, and my least favourite painting in the entire world Gustave Courbet's A Painters Studio: a Real Allegory of Seven Years of my Artistic Life (1855).
Studying for this class was a total bitch. I had to memorize 50 slides, known like 15 readings, and be able to define a bunch of stupid terms. The exam itself wasn't all that bad. I was able to discuss a few of my favs, like Goya's The Executions of the Third of May, 1808 (1814) or Millet's The Gleaners (1859?)
I didn't study at all for my art of listening exam and it went ok. Most of the songs were really easy to identify. My prof. thought she was clever by playing Cage's 4'33. Ha ah, what humor!
If I haven't mentioned this before, Amanda and I have found an apartment. It's this great place in Westmount that is close to great shops, the metro, westmount library, and westmount park. The apartment has very tasteful molding around the lamps and a huge bathtub.
Today, I went out for lunch with Amanda and her parents. It was very enjoyable. We ate at this awesome beer and meat place. I ate an ostrich, goat cheese, and spinach, and I drank a Belgian black-current beer.
I can't believe that I am actually leaving in 5 days. I first go to L.A. for a week to see my sister and her father. He's planned a few exiting escapades and has planned that we will visit a maximum of one theme parks.
Then, I come back for a day and leave the next of Switzerland. I hadn't initially planned for my summer to be so eventful but I extremely exited.
Anyways, I am about to call a boy I like and I'm a bit nervous.