Modern Art and theory canceled, I have a good hour to waste.
This has been a very painful week. I have a 9 page term paper and a take home midterm to hand in on tuesday , and I am very far behind. My term paper is about this stupid Max Ernst fellow who is pissing me off.
Anyways, today in Montreal is a sunny day - the first sunny day we have had in months. People aren't wearing coats, are eating their lunches outside, and have this naive hope that the weather will remain like this forever.
in Art of Listening, one my T.A.'s, Peter, a guy from the maritimes, gave a lecture on Wagner. Funniest thing ever. Not only was the content fairly enjoyable, he also spoke with the stereotypical canadian accent - priceless.
Otherwise, I am the most boring person ever. And I think my hair is slowly dying.