does this mean I have to be an adult now?

Aug 23, 2010 22:41

You guys, I start grad school tomorrow.


There is clearly some mistake I am not actually smart enough to do this I have been pretending and slacking off this entire time and oh my god I think I'm the youngest person in my program what if no one takes me seriously--

Ahem. Sorry. I'm a little nervous! But I'm excited, too. I think this is going to be good for me. ♥

What this means about my participation in fandom: basically what I mentioned in my hiatus post. I'm going to be crazy busy for a bit while I figure out how to handle the workload, and my hours of availability are going to shift, and if I end up getting a part-time job (which I really hope I do), that's going to cut into my free time even more. So I might not be around as much! But honestly, I tend to get more stuff done when I'm crazy busy--I wrote the first three chapters of Worldsmith when I had gazillions of papers due (and Chapter Six of that should be finished sometime this week if all goes well, knock wood). And even if my bumming-around-on-the-Internet-and-interacting time is reduced, I'm definitely not going to stop writing. I do think I'm going to be spending more time on original projects; hopefully those of you who know the details about said projects will get a kick out of that. I know I do.

...I also need to find a good time to post my hetaliasunshine fill, but I'm sure I can sneak it in somewhere. I hope, anyway.




life outside the internets, process: part preparation and part panic, ivory towers

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