lists are exciting!

Aug 15, 2010 22:51

a) God, my life has been crazy-busy of late. Between crewing Macbeth and starting grad school in two weeks and job applications and suddenly having a social life, what with the influx of awesome fannish people into New York City, my writing time has dwindled to diddlysquat. Which sucks, because I actually have ideas now! And I don't feel hopelessly burned out on all my fannish writing projects anymore! I just come home completely exhausted and unable to muster up the energy to write much of anything. First world problems, I know, but while I like being busy, I think there's a happy medium.
...oh jesus christ I start grad school in two weeks what the hell am I doing I think I'm the youngest person in my program aaaaaaaaaaaah

ii) I'm reading a lot more these days, though. Of particular note: Spin State by Chris Moriarty (possibly overambitious in thematic scope, but holy hell my narrative kinks let me show you them and the protagonist is so my type it's not even funny), Perdido Street Station by China Mieville (alsjdfsAMAZING until the last thirty pages, where Mieville decides to dick with his readers in a way I really really dislike), and the Vorkosigan books (deserving of their own reaction post, but aksjdflkasdfCORDELIAAAAAAAAA). Will totally be happy to natter on about any of these with people who have read them.

3) the ❝ that's my favorite!❞ meme
I am actually always curious about what stories people like best or remember most, so don't be shy!

four) So lindensphinx and wizzard890 made posts about idpics, images that just kind of bypass all rational thought and hit you in the OH HELL YES CANNOT LOOK AWAY BUT JESUS CHRIST THAT way. I have one, too. As it is idpic, I can't even explain rationally why it works for me -- other than the fact that my id kind of has a thing for dehumanization, and things broken and unfixable -- but it does, in the deep dark ways I don't often like to talk about.

Being With (Être Avec), Matta, 1946.

Yeah. Uh. My head. *smiles? maybe?*


life outside the internets, process: part preparation and part panic, meme me, ivory towers, all the world's a stage, reaction shot

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