Hey, remember when my posts had coherence? No?

Jan 24, 2010 21:21

Good news, mostly: Am back on campus!

Good news, definitely: I think the grad school interview went well, knock wood -- at any rate, the program feels like the right one for me, and I can only hope that the faculty agrees.

Less good news: The internet is not working in my apartment. wryyyyy.

Amusing news: really there were many amusing things said over the weekend since me + Mith + Linden + moonsheen + adesso = dorkdorkDORKery, but these are some of the ones I remember promising to transcribe!

MITH: Yes, we are real-life Austria and Hungary. You're a fujoshi, and I have Nazi porn sitting on my livejournal.

ME: [assembling/editing/piecing together bits of Sweet Rabbit]: Jesus friggin' Christ, Josiah gets choked almost as often as Jim Kirk.
MITH: [in other room] Of course he does, he's your character!
ME: But the ones choking him are mostly your characters!
MITH: ...point!

And then there was the round of that game from Inglourious Basterds where we all somehow managed to pick dictators. GO FIGURE.

I love my friends and girlfriend. ♥

Not exactly news, but have a meme: Name a character I have written/have substantial headcanon on, and I will tell you what their BDSM safeword is, and (possibly also) if/when they have used it. (If I don't think the character has one, I will explain why.) OCs/AU versions of characters are totally acceptable.

...it's Mith's and Linden's faults, okay. Stairs.

i've got a little list, but the point madam, life outside the internets, meme me, mith and puel in the special hell

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