Dec 10, 2004 16:58
So there's 6 days till im offically home...sleeping in my own bed and not working either (even tho i need the money) but i need the realxation with family and friends who might i mention and so damn excited to see again. I had a presnetation wed and did fine, then a finla thurs morning and class this morning (last one) and then i left for daytona at around 1030, and that is where i am at now. Im anxious to be here, but at the same time im ready for sunday to come, and the ONLY reason i say that is because after monday gets here and i go and sell my books back and take my english final at 6 pm, i know the rest of the days will fly and then i will be home sooner. I have an english final monday night, psych tuesday night, and algebra and bio wed all together with packing (which most is going home ne ways) and then gettin the hell out of tampa for good, thank God. Thursday i am checking out of the dorms, packing my stuff in my car...gotta get my tv down there soemhow but ill prolly ask the security gaurds or maitenece guys to help get it in there bc its a 24 inch flat screen and i..little old me cannot get that in there myself haha. It's sittin shot gun with me in the car to daytona thurs. But before that I have to actually get everything packed....grab my paycheck from work (last one...last day of work was thursday 12/9/04) and then im good to go. Oh yea and I have a parking ticket to pay for, whihc is a dumb one ne ways but whatever i will just bc im ready to leave and if i dont ten my transcript wont be sent to stetson for the spring semester. Friday me bren and nate leave for the airport at like 5 and the plane leaves at 7 and home at 10pm. The airport is half an hour away so we'll leave earlier than 5 prolly. Im so excited....needed time at home...there's so much going on and i cant be there so now i can and very glad its almost over here in tampa. I love the people i have met and my RA carolyn bc shes the best and has been doing everyhting she could to make me time here as pleasant as can be....and i thank her for that. But its my timt to get outta there and theres nothing i need to stay for...the education isnt even that great so why stay. Im happy to be leaving tampa, and starting over in a sense but most of all going home for almost a month. WOOOHOOOOO
im gonna go finish listening to christmas music and write a summary (the last thing i have to hand in) and then go find something to do here
ttyl love manda