kinda a sad day.....

Nov 30, 2004 17:25

I dont really know what's going on with me today...I woke up in kind of a sad awkward mood. I've had this happen before, however this doesnt mean i know what it is any more than last time. It's weird actually. I've just been kinda down today, at work i wasnt my peppy helpful and pleasently happy greeter, so that was a clue that something was wrong with me. There's nothing in particular bugging me, i think im just in a blah mood...and since im a girl, thats aloud to happen. I just really want to be home, like noyone really knows how badly i want to go. Other people want to go home but they always look forward to coming back. Unfortunately for me, thats never been the case for me. I've been so close to dropping out, that all i want is home, ive wanted home since i came here. I know I will only be there 3 1/2 weeks but good God, i need those 3 1/2 weeks desperatly. I get to go to a new school, closer to bren and start fresh. Im looking forward to that, but for now home is where i need to be. I have so muhc to do this week and next that hopefully the next 15 days till go by faster. Im praying, i seriouslly am. Sometimes i feel like breaking down...last semester wasnt half as bad as this one and I cried like every single day, seriouslly. This semester I was dealt a very very hard hand, but I didn't cry at all. I haven't, and thats what makes me so proud of myself, realizing I am a strong person no matter what. Ive had some really hard time in the past 2 years and everything has built me up into who I am. For once im feeling comfortable in my own skin...doesnt mean i dont want to cry sometimes though. But i know if I do, ill get sleepy and more miserable so i try not to, plus i have a paper to finish and a practice test to go through for next tuesday so i can have that out the way so i can get my presentation finished and study for my bio b\lab final. I dont know, I wish more people talked to me, so i could be cheered up a little. So if any of u guys read this, talk to me!
k gonna go get some work done
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