
Aug 03, 2008 18:06

Originally uploaded by puddockStarted:9am
Finished: 2.30pm
Route: Lochnagar (OS Sheet 44; 244861) named after Lochan na Gaire in the NE corrie, meaning little loch of the noisy sound
Steps: Didn't do steps as pedometer has been in the washing machine and now refuses to work
Distance: 18km
Height: 1155m
Total Training Height: 5389m (Kilimanjaro is 5895m)
Total training distance: 171.7km (includes 18km bike ride and 32 lenths of the pool not blogged)
Mood: Much improved from my last time in the mountains. Managed to keep up with Gary on most of the ascent. He had to stop a couple of times to let me catch up. I thought it was because Gary has a cough (chest infection), but he seemed to think my fitness has improved. Yeah. Tied my boots tighter to try and avoid further ankle injury but managed to give myself a blister on my heal. Lochnagar doesn't get added to my Munro total as I have already climed it on the 18th of June 1995 according to my Munro Log. That was a great summer, the summer of 1995. I was unemployed and a member of the Forres walking club. I spent at least one day of every weekend in the hills.

walking, munro, hill, kili

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