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Jan 09, 2007 10:37

I was feeling a little slap dash this morning.  I figured it was better to get on the mat and do something rather than lie in my bed wondering why I couldn't be bothered.  So some of the positions got run into each other with out the proper repose and thought between each.  Looking back at the last time I did this practice I was having some emotional problems.  Which are thankfully not at the fore front of my mind anymore, but which probably helped keep me off the mat for the entire month of December.  Maybe that helped me to feel a little out of control for that crazy month.  You know I am normally so much in control of my life, destiny, what have you!

The Extension Practice - 40 mins

Urdvahastullola (standing pose -> mountain pose)
Utktullola (standing pose -> fierce pose)
Trikonasana (triangle pose)
Padottanullola (leg stretch pose -> gazing pose)
Trikonasana (triangle pose)
Uttanasana (standing fold)
Utktanasa (fierce pose)
Adomukasvanasana (downwards dog pose)
Dandasana (staff pose)
Chakrasukasan (active easy pose)
Urdvaikapadasana (raised leg pose)
Chakrasukasan (active easy pose)
Parsvaikapadasana (side raised leg pose)
Chakrasukasan (active easy pose)
Parivritaikapadasana (twisting raised leg pose)
Chakrasukasan (active easy pose)
Urdvakonasana (sitting splits)
Chakrasukasan (active easy pose)
Urdvabadakonasana (sitting cobbler)
Chakrasukasan (active easy pose)
Pascimasana (one leg forward extension)
Chakrasukasan (active easy pose)
Pascimottanasana (forward extension)
Purvottanasana (Opening pose)
Dhanurasan (Bow pose)
Chakrasukasan (active easy pose)
Ardapindasana (embryo pose)
Ardasarvangasana (half shoulder stand)
Ardapindasana (embryo pose)
Ardamatsyasana (half-fish pose)
Savasana (corpse pose)
Sukasana (easy pose)

yoga, personal practice

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