Title: 40 Miles Of Bad Road
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: appallingly PG13, and that's mostly because of the language
Summary: Kurt offers Puck some unsolicited advice, and Puck tries to take it to heart.
Genre: romance, fluff
Spoilers: 2x04, "Duets". Pretty much the whole episode, yeah.
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: All lies. No charge.
Word count: 7558
A/N: The idea came to me at 3:00 am, which is when I woke up this morning, thanks to too much wine. Originally it was going to be sillier, but somehow it got away from me and kind of longish and will no doubt be Jossed by canon in short order. Story of my life! This is not part of the ongoing series I've been working on, just to be clear.
( I've been walking forty miles of bad road )