WHEEE! Chapter 5, finally

Feb 23, 2010 16:53

Title: Child of the Moon
Pairing: Artie/Kurt eventual Puck/Artie/Kurt
Chapter: 5/5
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Info on trans, angst, fluff, probably smut, Puck being Puck, idiocy, bashing
Summary: Kurt is slowly becoming Kourtney, turning the lives of the glee kids topsy turvy
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.
Notes: HOLY CRAP. A NON-MYTHOLOGY STORY, WHAT!? Doing this for the sheer factor of the lack of genuine fics out there concerning transpersons. They're people too, and they're fighting for equality just like so many other groups. My science may not always be accurate in parts, but I've done my best to research and re-research, so please be patient. I do not mean to offend anyone with this story.
Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four

“Mr. H, can I talk to you?” Puck asked as he walked into the kitchen.


Burt turned from his spot at the stove and looked to Puck, who leaned against the counter, watching him. Burt looked rather, well, domestic with his 'Kiss the Cook' apron on over his worn jeans and t-shirt, spatula in hand and prodding at the pancakes every so often.

“It's... About Kourt.”

Burt nodded a little, flipping the pancakes on the griddle and watching as the perfectly golden brown sides puffed up. He pushed his reading glasses up his nose and studied Puck. “Ask away.”

Puck had envisioned Burt to be more resistant to questions, to talk. Maybe having a daughter, having a daughter that was once a son, made him more responsive to change, or open to talk. Who knew?

“Well... It's just... It's a big change, y'know?”

“You're wondering how I cope? How I dealt with it?” At Puck's nod, Burt sighed. “Well, it took me a long time. I guess I knew, I mean, I had to have known, especially since she was gone a lot, and I would get credit card bills with odd charges. I mean... Maybe I didn't want to know. So I pretended it wasn't happening. When everything came to a head and I saw her last year I just broke down, I couldn't hide anymore. I wanted to be the kind of strong dad that she always craved, that she needed, that she felt she could tell these kinds of things without fear of judgement or hatred. It's been a long road, and a slow process, and I'm still learning. But I love her, and that, to me, is what matters most.”

Puck nodded slowly, smiling. “I'm glad you can be that for her.”

“And you're a good friend.” Burt piled up the pancakes on the plate, and noticed Puck's face at the word friend. “Ah, you like her, don't you?”

Puck nodded a little and shuffled his feet. Burt clapped him on the shoulder and held him close. “Kid. You're a great guy. I mean, you used to be an asshole, worse than I ever was in high school, but, you've grown, like everyone Kourt's taken under her wing.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Call me Burt.”

Puck just grinned at took a bite of a fresh pancake.


“But I don't want to go!” Kourt hated whining, especially to her father, but in this case, she was making an exception.

It was her Aunt Henrietta's forty-fifth birthday, and she was using the occasion to bring the family together at her house. And, as much as Kourt loved her Aunt Henrietta, she didn't love the rest of the family that went along with it. Even if the family reunion came with a trip to Beverly Hills.

“She said you were allowed to bring friends.”

Kourt looked to Puck and Artie, who were busy playing Halo. Artie looked up as his player was killed by some kid in Korea. “I'll come.”

“Me too!” Puck chimed in supportively.

Kourt looked to her dad, sighing heavily. “Alright. I'll go.”


“Why don't you want to go to your aunt's birthday party?” Puck asked as they perused a store, looking at bathing suits.

“I love my aunt very much, she's fully supportive of me, her and my uncle, and even some of my cousins, even my grandmother. But my dad's other sister, Georgina and her husband Claude and their kids, they stopped talking to me when I came out as gay...”


“Hey!” Artie called from a few shelves over and they moved to look at the item he had suggested.

“Artie, we talked about this...” Kourt breathed, holding up the bikini bottom to the suit he had picked out.

“What's wrong with that suit?” Puck questioned, looking at Kourt in confusion.

“It would show something I'd rather not have it show.”


“My...” Kourt hesitated for a moment, taking in a deep breath. “My...”

“Her birth defect,” Artie supplied, taking her hand and squeezing it.

“Oh.” Puck's brows furrowed together, it was easy to forget sometimes, at least for him, that Kourt was born a boy. “So what? You'd look totally hot in that!”

“Thanks.” Kourt smiled at him and kissed his cheek. “But I'd rather not.”

They resumed their search and a few minutes later Puck picked something off the rack. “What about this?”

The bikini was white, with pink frill around the collar of the top, and came in three pieces, with a skirt to go over the bottom that had a pink bow to match the top. Kourt walked over and turned it in her hands, fingers skimming over the material before she looked up at Puck.

“Not bad.”

After plucking out her size, Kourt traipsed off to the dressing room to try it on and Puck smiled proudly.


After buying their things in the swim shop, they were walking through the mall browsing various stores. Kourt sipped from a smoothie and stopped at a store window, she tilted her head at the shoes on display and rested a hand against the glass. Puck watched her stare at the shoes, which honestly, looked kind of plain, they were black suede and open toed, but you wouldn't know that by looking at Kourt, who was practically eye-fucking the shoes.

“You two going to get a room or what?”

“What?” Kourt asked, turning to look at Puck.

“You look like you're having happy fun time over these shoes, why don't you just buy them?”

“Because they are Christian Louboutin and you do not simply buy them. They are art! You admire each shoe as if it was crafted by the hand of God.”

As Kourt turned back to the display, and looked at the price tag and then back at the shoes, Puck turned to Artie with a brow raised. Artie just smiled and shrugged.

“She stares at them every time we walk past here. I think she doesn't buy them because she's not ready for heels yet, or maybe it's some sort of oddly perverse thing where she won't do it because she's 'not a real woman'.”

“Oh that's such bullshit.”

“Hey, if looking at the shoes makes her happy, then I'm happy.”

Puck eyed Artie for a moment, as if gauging the sincerity of that statement before he nodded and looked back to Kourt who was being shooed away from the window by the store manager. Kourt made bitchface but the woman just made one back and Kourt turned from the display.

“Okay. Let's go downstairs.”

As they made their way to the elevator and down Puck wondered why exactly Kourt wouldn't just buy the stupid shoes. It made no sense. It was like some sort of weird feminine torture.

They made their way into the comic book store and Puck blanched, but figured Artie wanted to get something too. While Artie chatted to the guy at the desk and Kourt looked at something in a display case, Puck eyed the big boobed figurines by the window. He was half paying attention to things until he heard the store owner call Kourt's name and he tore his eye away from some chick in a fur bikini and looked over.

“-- to tell you. We got in an issue of Daredevil #1.”

Kourt snapped to attention and left the display case she was examining in favour of moving the the front counter. Puck watched as the four other occupants of the store aside from them put down the comics they were browsing through the bins and looked at Kourtney who was leaning over the counter and eyeing some comic book in a plastic box.

“How much are you asking, Nick?”

“$1 275.”

Puck winced. That much money for a stupid comic book?

“Does it come with the case?”

“That's an extra twenty.”

“Let me confer with my partner a moment.”

Puck watched as Kourt and Artie moved off into a corner and talked in quiet whispers, glancing every so often towards the man and then towards the four guys who were looking at her with dubious expressions. After a few minutes Kourt straightened and walked back towards the counter.

“I'll take the comic and the case for par if I get the Fourth Doctor's 'oh look, rocks' shirt for free.”


Puck watched as Kourt fished out her wallet and produced an AmEx card, which was swiped and then she signed the receipt and handed it back to the man. With twitching fingers she took her purchases, tucked safely away in a paper bag and slid it into the backpack hanging on the back of Artie's chair.

“Pleasure doing business with you, Nick.”

“Anytime, Kourt. Oh, and I'll let you know when your TARDIS cookie jar comes in.”

“Thank you kindly, have a good day.”

Puck just stared after her and Artie for a moment as they left the store before scrambling after them in shock. Kourt liked comic books?


“Isn't your dad going to explode when he sees that bill?”

“Why? It's not like he doesn't collect cars or baseball cards.”

“Yeah, but... those are normal things to collect.”

“So are comic books.”

They were in Artie's living room, Kourt splayed out on the couch, her head in Artie's lap and feet in Puck's as they watched Torchwood.

“I just never pegged you for a geek.”

“I'm a human onion.”

Artie laughed and sifted his fingers through her hair, kissing her softly before looking over at Puck who looked like he just realized that soylent green was people.

“So, how you liking hanging out with us, Puckerman?”

Puck looked over, and suddenly realized that it was a challenge, as if questioning his badassness. If he was man enough to be seen with two nerds, nerds who happened to be in a relationship and who he just happened to also like.

“It's pretty fun.”

Kourt rose her gaze from the screen where Jack and Ianto were kissing and then looked towards Puck. She smiled softly and turned, getting herself more comfortable.

Maybe being with Noah Puckerman wasn't so bad after all.

“I bet that Asian chick is totally kinky.”

Well... Most of the time anyway.


“I'll see you guys tomorrow, gotta go home and pack.”

“Thanks for coming out today, Noah.”

“Sure, have a good night.”

As Artie shut and locked his door, he and Kourt made their way into the living room for some much needed and wanted alone time. Dressed in their finest pyjamas and toting pizza, they cuddled on the couch, Artie's arm wrapped around Kourt's waist and snuggling her.

“He's not so bad, you know,” Artie managed around a mouthful of pizza as Serenity started.

“Things could definitely be worse, although, I'm not sure how I feel about introducing him to my dad's side of the family. You're my boyfriend, he's my... I don't even know what he is.”

“Just say he's your friend.”

“Mm.” Kourt took a sip of her drink and sighed. “Sometimes I wish he didn't get involved, but then, he's such a teddy bear inside...”

“And have you seen his ass?”

Kourt just laughed and rolled her eyes, snuggling closer to Artie with a smile.

“I love you.”

Artie looked up at her and kissed her temple before resting his head on her shoulder. “I love you too.”


And so you've reached the end of this lovely little universe of mine. I may come back to explore one day, but for now, I am happy with my two boys and their girl

Thank you so much for reading!

pg-13, multipart complete, author: setos_puppy, multipart wip

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